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EU-MERCOSUR FTA: a political agreement at the expense of farmers?

According to a leak, the Mercosur counterproposal lacks detail and includes requests for a mechanism to balance trade concessions. Some believe that Mercosur would like to have higher quotas for agricultural products that are not included in the Regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR)..

UAWC condemns Israel’s use of starvation as a weapon of war in Gaza

OCHA reports that the assaults have disrupted the UNRWA food operation, impacting at least 112,759 families. The poultry and livestock sectors are on the brink of collapse due to the severe shortage of fodder, endangering the livelihoods of more than 1,000 herders and affecting over 10,000 producers.

Land grabs in Sri Lanka and the struggles in Udugama and Bibele

Land grabbing across Sri Lanka has exploded — villagers are evicted from their homes and land, as farms and forests are taken for tea, rubber, palm oil and banana plantations, and the development of tourist infrastructure such as all-inclusive hotels for mass tourism, all of which comes with huge environmental impacts.