Videos and podcasts (Food Sovereignty)

PEASANT VOICES | Episode 3 – At the heart of Food Sovereignty

At its core, Food Sovereignty defends the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food, produced sustainably and ecologically. It empowers people to define their own food and agriculture systems, ensuring small-scale food producers’ control over essential resources such as land, water, seeds and biodiversity.

PEASANT VOICES | Episode 1 – The Road to 8th Conference

Explore the heart of the International Conferences of La Via Campesina, where voices unite, struggles converge, and a better world is shaped. Discover the history, purpose, and challenges of these gatherings as we build food sovereignty to secure a future for humanity.

Video Explainer: What is Food Sovereignty?

Food Sovereignty is the right of people everywhere to produce food locally and sustainably through agroecological methods that respect the climatic, cultural and geographical context of each region. It places us at the heart of food systems, by building on the principles of solidarity, collectivism and social justice