Updated List of Events organized for “Thousand of Cancuns”, around the world



Date: December 7th

Event: INTERNATIONAL MANIFESTATION – The official UNO climate conference in Cancun COP 16 is lasting now for nearly one week – without any concrete results. So it is only naturally that protests are becoming stronger and stronger.

From day to day the presence of the movimientos and the political left here is stronger. The protest wich reach its climax next Tuesday December 7th with the big international manifestation (“demo”). It will will start at 10h and will go through the center of Cancun.



Fecha: 15 de noviembre
Evento: Foro nacional con los sindicatos de la energía hacia Cancún, culminación de una serie de foros preparatorios en distintos lugares del país
Contacto: Karin Nansen urusust@redes.org.uy
Organiza: REDES – Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay



Fecha: 22 y 23 de noviembre
Evento: Reunión de campañistas de Chile, Bolivia, Perú y Argentina sobre glaciares /cambio climático/minería.
Organiza: Amigos de la Tierra Argentina y parceros
Contacto: Roque Pedace rqpedacear@yahoo.com.ar




Fecha: 7 de Diciembre, 18h
Lugar: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA – Calle Púan 480, CABA

Evento: Protesta global y compartir información y reflexiones sobre el proceso de Cancún en Buenos Aires el 7 de diciembre a las 18 hs para sumarnos a la

Organiza: Movimiento Nacional Campesino Indígena – VC Argentina, Amigos de la Tierra, Acción por la Biodiversidad, GRAIN

Contacto: Carlos A. Vicente – carlos@grain.org



Date:7 de Diciembre

Event: Hacemos un llamamiento a los movimientos sociales y organizaciones populares de Argentina a encontrarnos en Buenos Aires el 7 de Diciembre a las 18h para sumarnos a la propuesta global y compartir informacion y reflexiones sobre el proceso Cancun.

Contact: Carlos A. Vicente – carlos@grain.org



Fecha: 16 de noviembre
Evento: Representantes de Amigos de la Tierra y de la Via Campesina Brasil en las conferencias internacionales sobre Biodiversidad y Clima debaten sus impactos en las políticas locales y nacionales en el seminário “O reflexo das negociações internacionais do Clima e da Biodiversidade nas políticas nacionais e estaduais: resistindo à mercantilização da natureza e do clima”
Organiza: Amigos de la Tierra – Brasil
Contacto: Lucia Ortiz lucia@natbrasil.org.br
Organiza: Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres y parceros, con la participación de Amigos de la Tierra Brasi


Fecha: Jueves, 25 de noviembre
Evento: Paneles sobre Justicia Climática y Desigualdades Urbanas – el rol de las organizaciones sociales: construir conocimiento sobre el impacto de los cambios climáticos para la poblaciones excluídas de la ciudad para apoyar la inclusión del tema em las agendas de las organizaciones y movimientos sociales y contribuir para el debate cualificado sobre el tema que pueda generar futuras herramientas de capacitación.
Lugar: Auditório del Colegio Maria Imaculada (Av. Bernardino de Campos, 79 – Paraíso)Hora: 18h30 a 22h00
Contacto: Nalu Farias nalu@sof.org.br
Organiza: Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres y parceros, con la participación de Amigos de la Tierra Brasi


Fecha: viernes, 26 de noviembre
Evento: Paneles sobre Justicia Climática y Desigualdades Urbanas – el rol de las organizaciones sociales: construir conocimiento sobre el impacto de los cambios climáticos para la poblaciones excluídas de la ciudad para apoyar la inclusión del tema em las agendas de las organizaciones y movimientos sociales y contribuir para el debate cualificado sobre el tema que pueda generar futuras herramientas de capacitación.
Lugar: Salon de la Iglesia Anglicana Santíssima Trindade (Plaza Olavo Bilac, 63 – Campos Elíseos)
Hora: Inicio 09h00 (todo el dia)
Contacto: Nalu Farias nalu@sof.org.br
Organiza: Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres y parceros, con la participación de Amigos de la Tierra Brasil


Fecha: sábado, 27 de noviembre
Evento: Paneles sobre Justicia Climática y Desigualtades Urbanas – el rol de las organizaciones sociales: construir conocimiento sobre el impacto de los cambios climáticos para la poblaciones excluídas de la ciudad para apoyar la inclusión del tema em las agendas de las organizaciones y movimientos sociales y contribuir para el debate cualificado sobre el tema que pueda generar futuras herramientas de capacitación.
Lugar: Salon de la Iglesia Anglicana Santíssima Trindade (Plaza Olavo Bilac, 63 – Campos Elíseos)
Hora: 0900 a 12h3
Contacto: Nalu Farias nalu@sof.org.br
Organiza: Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres y parceros, con la participación de Amigos de la Tierra Brasi



Fecha: 26 de noviembre
Evento: Manifestación pública con expectativa de participación de 1500 del MOVIAC – Movimiento de Victimas y Afectados por el Cambio Climático en Centro América y entrega de una carta al Presidente de la República con demandas y propuestas de las comunidades afectadas por el cambio climático.
Organiza: CESTA – Amigos de la Tierra El Salvador y MOVIAC – Contacto: Joseá Acosta acostajose.r@gmail.com



Date: November 30
Action: Forum and a mega-march in Mexico City
Date: December 2
Action: Open the national-international camp of peasants, indigenous peoples and their allies in Cancun, with thousands of people from Mexico and the world.
Date: December 4 to 1
Action: “Global Forum for the Earth and for our Peoples: Environmental and Social Justice Now!” will be held at the camp.
Note: Many actions will be organized from the camp-Forum, including the mega-march in Cancun on December 7.



Fecha: 7 de Diciembre

Evento: Jornada internacional de movilización y protesta de los pueblos ante los gobiernos en la COP 16 para decir NO a las falsas soluciones a la crisis climática basadas en el mercado y exigir verdaderas soluciones que respeten los Derechos de los Pueblos y de la Madre Tierra: – Videos y debate sobre la crisis climática
Presentación de los principales temas que están en discusión en la COP 16
Conexión en vivo via Skype con nuestrxs compañerxs en Cancún
Presentación del estudio: Cambio climático, calentamiento global y pueblos indígenas en México de Maderas del Pueblo del Sureste

Organiza: Espacio Climático Chiapas Contacto: espacioclimaticochiapas@gmail.com



Fecha: November
Evento: Celebración del Festival por el Buen Vivir, con actividades lúdicas y celebrativas, foros de debates, presentación de un libro sobre Soberanía Alimetaria, feria de alimentos sanos y cercanos, etc.
Contacto: Domingo Lechón – domingolechon@otrosmundoschiapas.org
Organiza: Otros Mundos AC



Fecha: 4 de Diciembre

Evento: Foro ¨Miles de Cancún por la Justicia Climática¨ en el marco de la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático y el Día de Acción Global contra la Basura y la Incineración.

Organiza: Miembros del Frente Mexicano Pro Derechos Humanos, AC, la Alianza Global contra la Incineración y por sus Alternativas y la Asamblea Nacional de Afectados Ambientales en Tecámac.





Fecha: 1 de diciembre
Evento: Conferencia de prensa con varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil conjuntamente con Via Campesina
Fecha 2: 2 Deciembre
Evento2: Movilización en Tegucigalpa
Contacto: WENDY Cruz – laviacampesina@cablecolor.hn




Date: December 7
Event: Community Dinner at a Green Career and Tech High School with education about food justice, Via Campesina, 1000 Cancuns, accessible local resources for food, and some hands-on food-related workshops. Possible additional action reclaiming land for community gardens.
Contact: Sara Mersha/DARE


Date: December 7
Event: Educational event for membership about what is happening in Cancun, tied to New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board effort to put local cap on carbon which is tied to the international cap and trade system. Will educate about climate justice, our frame, and look at the national landscale and political shift to the right that has happened nationally. We will be giving people analysis and tools to engage in strong debate on oil and gas industry. Will be working on tighter message and inviting other groups to join.
Contact: Marjorie Childress, SWOP


Date: December 7
Event: Teach-in, and Action: Community Solutions Cool the Planet. Planning two separate events amidst a series of youth-led climate justice workshops. A teach-in the week before December 7 and an action that we hope will pair resistance and resilience on December 7.

  • MARI ROSE: (other parts of California)

Event: APEN, PODER, & CBE are also part of California EJ Alliance (6 total groups)
A Cancun committee formed, and recommend that local members:
1. take part in local actions if they live in the Bay, Richmond, LA; In San Diego, San Bernadino, Central Valley they might organize an action
2. Issue statement about our work with Green Zones
3. Study on Board level on Cochabamba People’s Agreement
Contact: Teresa Almaguer, PODER teresa@podersf.org
Or Carla Perez, Movement Generation carla@movementgeneration.org


Date: December 7
Event: MISSION VERDE Action: Community Solutions Reduce Energy Consumption
A new step in the campaign to call on city council to make binding law to stop nuclear expansion, guarantees on weatherization, green jobs, energy efficiency, investing in solar energy. Modeling of gardening reducing energy use and demonstrate that the city needs to do it too. Action will include lots of youth.
Contact: Jill Johnston, Southwest Workers Union Jill@swunion.org

  • LOS ANGELES, CA (in the works with CBE, LCSC, SAJE)

Date: December, 7
Event: LCSC – In planning stages. Blg march/rally
Event: Dec. 1: Reclaim our streets, cities, and education, hoping that will spark a movement within the city to do something on Dec. 7 on climate justice. Tossing around education piece but haven’t come to a conclusion.
Possible joint action LCSC- Yuki (CBE) and Roxana (SAJE) around doing a joint action – in the process of figuring out if we can find a community garden space and do a speakout on specific struggles members are fighting for, how it relates to struggle for climate justice. Even though we don’t work on food sovereignty directly, by doing it in space with urban garden, we can highlight the issue because it’s one adaptation solution in the CJ struggle. Roxana: Another idea we had was to go to the refinery and making a call-out to our local government and state government to reducing emissions locally, having testimonies about how our folks have been impacted directly and connect internationally, really excited about having a combined action! know our struggles and bring them together so we can have an impact. One goal is to have members be exposed to each others’ work, and second goal to have our folks see their struggle is connected to an international struggle for climate justice. Invite media and make the national demand calls too.
Organizer: LCSC- Yuki (CBE) and Roxana (SAJE)
Contact: Yuki Kidokoro, Communities for a Better Environment yuki@cbecal.org


Date: December, 7
Event: Grassroots organizations and allies will be conducting a teach-in to highlight local organizing efforts as a means of addressing the impact of climate change in communities of color in New York City and how it relates to other struggles occurring throughout the US and abroad. Our discussion will be framed on how local organizing is the solution that is not being discussed in the international negotiations and marginalized communities in the US need to link our struggles to those happening in the global south.
Contact: Julien A.Terrell, Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice 718-328-5622 ext.14


Date: December, 7
Event: The Little Village Environmental Justice Organization will be hosting a community meeting to talk about food and climate change. We will be presenting the People’s Accord & Declaration that LVEJO has signed on to for the community to sign on to. LVEJO’s points are below
We uphold the People’s Agreement & Declaration of Mesa 18 to advance local community solutions not false solutions for the rights of mother earth with full respect for human rights and the right of indigenous people and climate migrants.
Contact: Kimberly Wasserman, LVEJO. coordinator@lvejo.org


Date: December 7
Event: Interested in coordinating something with others – possibly about regulating coal ash and ending mountaintop removal
Contact: Ash-Lee at Mountain Justice


Date: December 7
Event: Planning educational event in church and delivering youth petitions to Congress in a “hill drop” action. Planning a press conference in conjunction with petition hand-off with an update on Cancun activities. Will have an evening event convened by Bolivian community at the Bolivian embassy with a panel, video, speakers, update and petition. Equivalent moment in Cancun and press around this.
Contacts: Angelica Salazar angelicasalazar4@gmail.com
Kathy Ozer, National Family Farm Coalition, DC kozer@nffc.net


Date: December 7
Event: ACE may be planning something.

Louisville, KY
Date: (?)
Event: (?)
Contact: Steve Bartlett – Ag Missions – Louisville, KY


Date: December 4th and december 7th

Event: New World Agriculture and Ecology Group in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is planning two days of action: one on Sat. Dec 4 at the Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market, and the other on Tuesday, December 7th at University of Michigan. Our goal is to raise awareness about food sovereignty, the effects of market-based climate change solutions on the impoverished and the goals/work of La via Campesina.

Contact: Jes Skillman – jesskill@umich.edu




Date: December 7
Rally go into the financial sector and call on G20 allie
Organizer: Environmental Justice Toronto
Contact: (?)


Date: December 7

Event: Coordinating Actions through a 15-person home team – hope to bring up number of cities
Actions being planned by community groups who are part of Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) in:


Date: December 7

Event: Environmental Justice Toronto is planning a solidarity rally in Toronto for Dec 7th.  
“Shaking Up the Financial District: Celebrating Community Sovereignty and Environmental Justice in Toronto”. This summer we took to the streets of Toronto as part of ongoing struggle for economic and migrant justice, gender justice, environmental justice, indigenous sovereignty, and justice for our communities. By coming together as one diverse but united group, we showed how strong we can be. As the puppets of global capital were cowering behind security fences and hired thugs, the real power was in the streets… it was ours.


Brett Rhyno – theragingrhyno@gmail.com



During the next major round of climate negotiations in Cancun Mexico (Nov. 29 to Dec. 10), People’s Assemblies on Climate Justice (PACJ) will be taking place across Canada. People’s Assemblies are movement-building and organizing events. The focus is on dialogue and transforming awareness into action through community-based climate justice actions.


Date: December 5

Event: People’s Assembly on Climate Justice. 1:00-4:00 p.m. Memorial Park Library, 1221 2nd Street S.W.


Date: December 2

Event: People’s Assembly on Climate Justice. 7:00-9:30 p.m. Murphy Community Center, 200 Richmond Street. Hosted by the Council of Canadians and KARIOS.



Date: Dec. 5

Event: People’s Assembly on Climate Jusice. 1:00-4:00 p.m. Students’ Lounge, St. Lawrence College


Date: Dec. 1

Event: People’s Assembly on Climate Justice 6:30-9:00 p.m. Edmonton Room, Downstairs
Stanley A. Milner Library (Downtown) 7 Sir Winston Churchill Square

Contact: Scott Harris; sharris@canadians.org 780-429-4500



Date: Dec. 4

Event: Halifax People’s Assembly. 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. McInnis Room, Dalhousie University Student Union Building, University Ave.

Contact: Jerry MacKinley; cochalifax@yahoogroups.com




Date: Dec. 4

Event: People’s Assembly for Climate Justice 1:00-4:00 p.m. Black Shire Pub, 511 Talbot. Speakers include Sean Hurley (long-time environmental activist); and Cory Morningstar (from Canadians for Action on Climate Change). Followed by community dialogue and collaboration. Complimentary refreshments.

Contact: climate.justice.london@gmail.com.



Date: Dec. 5

Event: Peterborough People’s Assembly on Climate Justice 1:00-5:00 p.m. St. John’s Anglican Church, 99 Brock St. (facing Hunter St.)


Date: Dec. 5

Event: Regina People’s Assembly on Climate Justice 2:00-5:00 p.m.Lower Level, Knox Met United Church, 2340 Victoria Avenue.

Contact: 306-551-8500; reginapacj@gmail.com


Date: Dec. 9

Event: What is Climate Jusitce? Come and share your ideas from 7:00-9:00 p.m. NB Museum in Market Square. Free admission, coffee, tea and treats. Bring along anyone interested in making a difference.

Contact: 652-2809.



Date: Dec. 7

Event: Saskatoon People’s Assembly on Climate Justice 6:30 pm – 9:30 p.m. Amigos Cantina (back room), 632 10th St E



Date: Dec. 4 Second Toronto People’s Assembly on Climate Justice as part of a Global Day of Climate Action. 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sidney Smith Hall, Rm 2118, University of Toronto, 100 St. George Street.



Date: Dec. 8

Event: People’s Assembly on Climate Justice. 6:30-9:00 p.m. Metropolitan Church, 932 Balmoral Road. In coalition with KAIROS and Transition Victoria.

Contact: info@victoriacouncilofcanadians.ca


Date: Dec. 9

Event: People’s Assembly on Climate Justice. 7:00-9:00 p.m. Caboto Club Lower Level, 2175 Parent Ave. Hosted by the Windsor-Essex Chapter and Windsor on Watch (WOW).


Lower Mainland Council of Canadians chapters (Delta/Richmond, Surrey/White Rock/Langley & Vancouver/Burnaby)

Date: Nov. 13

Event: Follow up to the “Dig in” action. The Council of Canadians, Gateway Sucks, and other organizations are holding at a workshop 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Grandview Calvary Baptist Church, 1803 East First Ave. gatewaysucks.org/workshop

Date: Dec. 11

Event: Mass Direct Action for Climate Justice
12:00 noon Starting at Waterfront Skytrain Station (Howe Street exit)
We will demand climate justice with a surprise creative direct action. Read more: gatewaysucks.org/assembly-and-action or contact cathwi@telus.net or 604 946 0877.


Education/Action focused on food access: going to do a big dinner, thinking about taking over some empty spaces to organize community gardens and teaching people how to grow food in their houses.

New Jersey
Contact: Ananda Lee Tan, GAIA ananda@no-burn.org


Date: (?)
Event: A climate change conference, mass demonstration and rally and Press conference Youth, women and peasants’ will be mobilized during the events holding placards and banner on Issue of climate and food sovereignty
Organizer: Anfpa
Event 2: Action during a seminar they are organizing.
Organizer: Kerela [Kerela Coconut Farmers Association]




Date: 29th November (tentative date).
Event: Will have a rally for Climate Change SECTIONS

Organizer: Indian Coordination committee of Farmers Movement


Date: Dec. 11
Event: Action to support sustainable agriculture as well as climate change… in conjunction with groups of kisan swaraj yatra – farmers sovereignty caravan in India.
Organizer: BKU and othes.


Date: November 29th

Event: Press release: Protest against “World Climate Negotiataions of UNFCCC”. We stress that the climate negotiations have totally failed to bring about any real solution to the climate crisis and ever since the last UNFCCC meeting in Copenhagen it has become even more clear that any real change will only come from  a peoples movement and not diplomatic negotiations.

Organizer: Indian farmers movements

Contact: secretariatlvcsouthasia@gmail.com



Date: November 25

Event: Action by KAU, Kruha, WALHI, Youth Groups, and other organization, under Indonesian Climate Finance Network in front World Bank Office in Jakarta. Demand for World Bank Out of Climate Finance.

Contact: Orenstein, Karen <KOrenstein@foe.org>


Date: December 9th


SPI Indonesia organize a press conference on climate change in Jakarta. In province, SPI members in province organize series of activities related to the climate change situation in Indonesia.




Data: December 1st to December 7th

Event:Korean Social movements and NGOs like environmental organizations and other NGOs decided to work together to respond COP 16. All of them declared to support the conclusion of Peoples Conference in Cochabamba – Bolivia

Contact: (?)




Date: 26 – 28 November
Event: Mobilization with Via Campesina and others. FOE Youth will hold 2 weeks of events and planning in Brussels also. There is also a follow-up event planned for corporate lobby award.
Organizer: FOE – Europe



Date: 5 décembre

Evenement: Suite à l’appel de Via Campesina à «organiser un millier de manifestations et d’actions pour rejeter les fausses solutions, et pour défendre une proposition des peuples pour la justice climatique» (programme des actions prévues ICI) pendant toute la durée du sommet de Cancun, se tient en ce moment le rassemblement « Cancun à Bruxelles » (programme disponible ICI). Dans ce cadre, et en soutien à la journée d’actions prévue le 7 décembre, nous avons décidé d’organiser une action directe, légale et festive visant à dénoncer les impacts de notre modèle d’agriculture industrielle, d’agro-exportation et de surconsommation. Si cela vous intéresse, un rassemblement de préparation est prévu au “Gésù” 2, rue Traversière 1210 Bruxelles ce dimanche 5 décembre de 17 à 19h, dans le cadre des ateliers « Camp Clown pour Cancun »

Contact: Annelies Schorpion – 0479/419561




Date: December
Event: A physical NODAL POINT, from which to organise from and to connect with the rest of the world during the call out from LA VIA CAMPESINA while the COP16 happens in Cancun. We hope that it will serve as a rallying point for all peoples concerned with climate change in the city to gather, discuss, plan… as well as from where actions of solidarity with fellow peoples in struggle can happen. We urge everyone who is concerned about the climate crisis to take action, find out if there is a NODE near you, if not, try to set one up.
Contact: Joseph Zacune – joseph.zacune@foe.co.uk



Date: 24th November

(Room 3, Maison des syndicats, 71100 Chalon/Saône)

Event: Les Verts/EE 71 au coté des mouvements sociaux et environnementaux, souhaitent montrer la cohérence d’un projet, ou les transitions vers des modèles de production et de consommation sobre en énergie doivent s’engager

Organizer:Les Verts/EE71, Avec la participation de Benoit Kubiak , Les verts/EE , Stephen Kerkove , Agir pour l’Environnement , Claude Girod , Confédération Paysanne et Yannick Chenevoy , Attac Chalon.

Contact: eeb71reev@orange.fr



Date: December 4

Event: Friends of the Earth France will be part of the “1000 Cancuns” mobilization and are leading an important meeting on December, 4th in Cancon (pronounce it “Cancun” in Occitan, regional language), a small village in South of France. The meeting has been initiated by FoE France, ATTAC, la Confédération paysanne and Bizi, the latter being a very active and known local organization. The day will start with the visit of an altercamp followed by a roundtable on an “Ecological and social transition society” including videoconferences live from Cancun and debates with social movements’ representatives in France. Eventually, there will be a concert.

Organizer: FoE France

Contact: Caroline Prak’ <caroline.prak@amisdelaterre.org>



Fecha: 07 de Diciembre

Evento: Tendremos una conferencia de prensa y un foro dirigido principalmente a personas de las organizaciones campesinas, ecologistas, indígenas y sindicales. Abordaremos tanto en la conferencia como en el foro, las falsas soluciones, críticas a las posiciones de gobierno y nuestra agenda llena de soluciones.

Organiza: UNAG, Mesa Campesina

Contacto: Isaac –isaac@coecoceiba.org




Fecha: 1 de Diciembre

Evento: Para profundizar nuestro conocimiento sobre los debates que tendrán lugar en Cancún, la Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas, ANAMURI, invita  a un conversatorio que  se realizará el miércoles 1 de diciembre a las 17 hrs. en la sala auditorio  de la Universidad Diego Portales, ubicada en Avenida República 105.




Date: 27th and 28th November

Event: Forum and press release about climate justice and the Cancun. A lot of Turkish civil organizations will participate.

Organizer: Confederation of Farmer’s Trade Unions (CIFTCI-SEN)

Contac:Tülay Ararat – tulayararat@gmail.com




Fecha: 29 de Noviembre

Evento: Manifestación “prende una vela contra el cambio climático. Todos los movimientos que trabajamos contra el cambio climático, justicia climática, etc. nos juntaremos frente a las oficinas de gobierno con una velatón (aquí es muy oscuro en esta época del año ya que estamos tan cerca al Polo Norte)


Fecha: 7 diciembre

Evento: Acto sobre el cambio climático con perspectivas de Suecia, Africa y América Latina.


Fecha: 12 de diciembre

Evento: Jóvenes de Escuela de Educación Popular se movilizan contra el cambio climático.

Organiza: Solidaridad Suecia América Latina (SAL)
Contacto: Carmen Blanco Valer – carmen_blanco_valer@yahoo.com.mx




Date: December 6th

Event: Press conference on December 6th, on climate change and COP 16, this coincide with the date on the 36th National Invasion of Timor Leste.

  • DILI

Date: December 10th

Event 2: A rally will be organized on December 10th in Dili on the issue of land grabbing.




Date: December 1st

Event: Korean Social Movements and NGOs like environmental organizations and other NGO decided to work together to respond COP 16. All of them declared to support the conclusion of People’s Conference in Cochabamba, Bolivia. They will convene the forum on December 1st to discuss how to respond COP 16 together.

Date: December 7th

Event: Candle light protest at the center of Seoul on December 7th international organizing day “thousands of Cancun”.




Date: 30 November – 1 December 2010

Organizations: Thai Working Group for Climate Justice (TCJ) and coalition of 30 people organizations working on energy and industry, sustainable agriculture, land reform, indigenous people, forest issues.

Event name: Thai People’s Forum for Climate Justice 2010.

Activities: (1) public forums and open-space exhibitions on the 30th November and media campaign through out COP16, (2) mobilization and demonstration to the Government’s House – calling Thai government for genuine Climate policies and implementation..

Objectives: (1) actively communicate ‘Climate Justice’ concept to the Thai public; (2) communicate impacts of climate change and government’s false climate policies on communities around the country (3) call for stronger and genuine National Master Plan on Climate Change for the country with public participation. More information: www.ThaiClimateJustice.org

Contacts: info@ThaiClimateJustice.org, Jacques-chai Chomthongdi Jacques-chai@focusweb.org; Faikham Harnnarong Faikham@ThaiClimateJustice.org




12 Days of Action for Climate Justice

Dates: November 29 – December 10, 2010

Events: Fight for Climate Justice, Fight for our Survival

Contact: 11 Matimpiin St., Brgy. Pinyahan , Quezon City, Tel. Nos. 9246399/ 9211985




Date: December 4-5

Event: Youth camp in Hsin-chu rural village(Northern Taiwan). Let youth practice agricultural work and disscuss about food sovereignty, climate change, land justice.


Taiwan Rural Front, taiwanruralfront@gmail.com


Fecha: 26 de noviembre

Evento: Una Marcha. Las comunidades afectadas por el Cambio Climático de El Salvador entregarán un paquete de propuestas y demandas al gobierno salvadoreño de Mauricio Funes, para que las tomen en cuenta en la próxima conferencia mundial sobre Cambio Climático COP16, en Cancún, México. El acto iniciará con una concentración en la Plaza de las Américas conocida como Salvador del Mundo, desde allí partirá una marcha que se dirigirá hasta Casa Presidencial.

Organiza: El Movimiento de victimas, afectados y afectas por el Cambio Climático.

Contacto: montalvop10@gmail.com



Date: December 10th, 5:30pm

Event: More World, Less Bank!Banks are a fundamental part of the capitalist system that is destroying our planet and exploiting people. During a potluck inside of the local headquarters for RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), we will discuss these issues and how we can contribute to fundamental change. In particular, RBC is the main financier of the Albertan Tar Sands, from which we demand they withdraw their support immediately. Organizer: Climate Justice London, Ontario

Contact: Toban Black




Fecha: (?)

Evento: Desde la mesa estamos organizando varias actividades en Caracas para convertirnos también en uno de esos miles de Cancunes

Contacto: Dayaleth Alfonzo <dayaleth@gmail.com>


Fecha: 7 de diciembre

Evento: Los Movimientos Sociales del ALBA del Edo. Lara convocan a una Caravana contra el sistema culpable del Cambio Climático, que tendrá lugar a partir de las 8am, desde la avenida 20 con calle 33 hasta la Gobernación del Estado Lara. Durante toda la jornada habrá música, teatro, títeres gigantes, intervenciones artísticas, y más. La caravana concluirá con la entrega de un documento a la gobernación, por un Estado que respete a la Madre Tierra. La Caravana será una de decenas de actividades que sucederán entre el 7 y el 10 de diciembre a nivel continental, como lucha articulada contra la 16va Conferencia de las Partes sobre Cambio Climático (COP16) convocada por las Naciones Unidas, la cual tendrá lugar en Cancún, edo. Quintana Roo, México. La COP16 viene capturando las miradas y expectativas de todo el mundo, después de una COP15 (Copenhagen, Dinamarca, diciembre 2009) que dejó mucho que desear en términos de acuerdos y compromisos concretos para el cuidado de la Madre Tierra.

Desde Barquisimeto, edo. Lara, los Movimientos Sociales del ALBA nos sumaremos entonces a las voces que, a nivel continental, gritan “Un Cancún, Muchos Cancún”. Porque la declaración y el respeto de los Derechos de la Madre Tierra es impostergable, y porque un cambio en nuestro paradigma de producción y consumo es la única manera de asegurar un hábitat sano y sostenible para las generaciones futuras, “No Cambiemos el Clima, Cambiemos el Sistema”.
Bajar micro de audio de la convocatoria: Archivo Adjunto

Organiza: Consejo de Movimientos Sociales del ALBA en Lara

Contacto: Gabriela Uassouf <gabriela.uassouf@gmail.com>


  • LIMA

Fecha: 7 de Diciembre
A las 11.30 a.m en la Plaza Francia del Centro de Lima


Los gremios campesinos están convocando al evento Mística de Semillas Campesinas donde se mostrará la gran biodiversidad de semillas existentes en el país y poniendo de manifiesto así su compromiso de protección de esa biodiversidad. Con el objetivo de Multiplicar las voces de mujeres y hombres del campo contra la devastación socio-ambiental, especialmente de las semillas que son el sustento de la alimentación para la humanidad, los representantes de las Organizaciones Campesinas

Contacto: viacampesina.sudamerica@gmail.com

  • LIMA

Fecha: 07 de Diciembre
Plaza Washington (cuadra 9 de la Av. Arenales)


Jornada global de lucha para la defensa de la vida, manteniendo el control de las semillas de las que provienen nuestros alimentos, la protección de los recursos naturales y para evitar y combatir cualquier intento de apropiación privada y monopólica de ellos, así como para recuperarlas, preservarlas y entregarlas a las generaciones futuras, como ha sido hasta ahora. La jornada se iniciará a las 9 a.m. en la Plaza Washington (cuadra 9 de la Av. Arenales) con un Plantón para hacer ori la voz de los movimientos sociales, luego nos trasladaremos a la Plaza Francia en donde a las 11 a.m. se inaugurará un Acto Político Cultural con la Mística de sabidurías de la SEMILLAS CAMPESINAS Y CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO que mostrará la gran biodiversidad de semillas existentes en nuestro país.

Contacto: Via Campesina y CLOC



Fecha: 7 de Diciembre.
Lugar: Paraninfo de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar – 9H30

Evento: Foro “Cambio climático, Soberanía Alimentaria, Referéndum y Derechos de los campesinos y la Madre Tierra”.
Organiza: Cloc-Via Campesina Ecuador


  • BRIXTON, South London

Date: December 12

Event: We are organizing on this website – http://globaljusticebrixton.posterous.com/ – and through regular meetings locally.

Brixton responded to the world-wide call by global peasants organisation La Via Campesina for ‘Thousands of Cancuns for Climate Justice’ to mobilise grass roots solutions and actions. London, UK.  It was a small gathering that took place at Brixton Oval on a chilly winter afternoon, with an exhibition including posters from the Heathrow Climate Camp, several based on the book Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet by Mark Lynas and a poster produced by the local climate justice group group illustrating the global links between the war in Iraq, rainwater contaminated by Texaco/Chevron in the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador and a petrol station in Brixton displayed on the railing around the disused public toilets, unfortunately not restored in the recent bare, open and soulless refurbishment of Windrush Square.

Contact: Jody Boehnert



Date: December 7th 


We are riding as clime couriers on bikes to embassies in Berlin (and perhaps to the climate secretariat in Bonn) to deliver demands from Cochabamba in order to remind governments that they are still in the negotiation text.
The next action is on Tuesday 7th December and starts at 9am at Alexanderplatz, Berlin, from where it goes to the Federal Environmental Ministry, to the US Embassy, to the Mexican Embassy and then to the headquarter of the German Christian-Democrat (Conservative) Party.

Contact: Nino David Jordan <klimakuriere@gmail.com>


Date: December 4th

Event: Responding to the callout for 1000 Cancuns, on December 4th and December 
7th “Climate Couriers” delivered a message to embassies, consulates and an assembly in Berlin, Hamburg and Krefeld, Germany: Proposals for an effective and just solution of the climate crisis from the alternative Climate Summit in Cochabamba. Among them an angel, whom an US consulate didn´t want receive. Instead the gatekeeper instructed the heavenly ambassador by 
loudspeakers to dispatch the message by mail.

Contact: www.klimakuriere.de



Date: December 7th

Event: Seminar with around 50 persons at the headquarters of the UGC of Nampula (UNAC member), with members coming from over 10 districts from the Nampula province. 10 trees were planted in the UGC garden. Talk about climate change and the Cancun meeting. Radio Mozambique was there and interviewed Unac’s president, Mr Augusto Mafigo.

Organizer: UGC Nampula (União Geral das Cooperativas), UNAC’s member

Contact: vcafrica@gmail.com



Date: December 7

Event: March through Johannesburg, demanding a solution to climate change (limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius) and an end to nuclear madness as part of the Global Day of Action, where millions across the globe insist on an end to bickering politicians not agreeing to a legally binding, fair and just climate change deal at the UNFCCC.