FSPI-SPP Expanding Solidarity Activities for Tsunami Victims

FSPI-SPP will expand the coverage of it solidarity action to help the victims of the tsunami in South Java because many areas do not have access to any aid. So far, FSPI-SPP has setup coordinating posts in 4 areas: Cibenda, Bagolo, Pamotan, and Purbahayu. But in fact, many other areas have not received any support yet.

The number of refugees caused by this disaster has reached 43.756 people. FSPI-SPP have mobilized 25 volunteers to distribute emergency aid. FSPI-SPP have identified new areas that require support: Batu Karas and Legok Pari require food, clean water, clothes, underwear and diapers. Refugees in Ciliang require food and public toilets. Cimerak, people need food, medicine and underwear. Meanwhile in Bojong Selawe and Batu Malang, people are isolated because the roads have been cut. In Bulak Laut area, relief has not been organised so far and victims have not been identified.