FSPI Distributed Emergency Aid to the Victims of Earthquake and Tsunami in West Java

A week after the earthquake and the tsunami in Pangandaran, West Java, some emergency aid has started to reach people, but fears of disease have also grown as thousands are still camping out in the heat with no clean water.

So far, FSPI emergency team has distributed aid to the victims in 16 villages. We have distributed food, clean drinking water, milk for babies, medicine, cooking tools, underwear, tents, body bags, lanterns, etc…(see table data of aid distribution).


According to the data from FSPI emergency team, 9 peasants members of FSPI-SPP died in the catastrophe. They came from Bagolo, Cibenda and Pamotan villages. Besides this, around 200 members of the groups were injured and 300 families displaced. FSPI also noted that some of the farmland was damaged

Recent Earthquake in Indonesia

An other earthquake of magnitude 6.6 on Richter scale hit some of Gorontalo Province and center of Sulawesi Province at 15.22 on Sunday, July 23th 2006. People panicked and were scared to be hit by a new tsunami. However there was no death and loss reported so far.