11 Août: Actions de solidarité avec le Honduras

Déjà plus de 30 actions recensées!

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une première liste des événements et actions recensées de par le monde le 11 août en solidarité avec le mouvement de résitance au Honduras. Si vous organisez une action, merci de continuer à nous envoyer le lieu, la description de votre activité et le nom de votre organisation/association à l’adresse suivante: jessica.m.y.brown@gmail.com.

Location, Organization 

1. Guatemala City, Guatemala; US Embassy

  • La Via Campesina Guatemala
  • Coordinadora Nacional de Viudas de Guatemala -CONAVIGUA-
  • Coordinadora Nacional Indígena y Campesina -CONIC-
  • Coordinadora Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas –CNOC-
  • Comité de Unidad Campesina -CUC-

2. Madrid, Spain; Embassy of Honduras

  • Amigos de la Tierra
  • COAG
  • Ecologistas en Acción
  • Entrepueblos
  • Sodepaz
  • Plataforma Rural
  • CEAR

3. Ferrol (Galicia), Spain

  • Fuco Buxá

4. New York, USA; Federal Plaza

  • Farmer Solidarity Project

5. Montreal, Canada; US Consulate

  • l’Union Paysanne

6. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Regional women encounter and mobilisation

  • La Via Campesina South Asia and South East Asia

7. Manila, Phillipines; Embassy of Honduras

  • La Via Campesina South Asia

8. Tokyo, Japan; Embassy of Honduras for Thailand, Japan

  • La Via Campesina South Asia

9. Seoul, South Korea; Embassy of Honduras

  • La Via Campesina South Asia

10. Paris, France; Embassy of Honduras

  • The Confédération Paysanne

11. Montevideo, Uruguay; University of the Republic

  • REDES – Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay

12. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Independence Park

  • CCI Via Campesina
  • CLOC

13. Various Locations, Colombia

14. Melbourne, Australia; Federation Square

  • Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET)

15. Various Locations, Puerto Rico

  • Refundacion Comunista, Puerto Rico

16. Miami, Florida

  • Frente Popular Democratico de Miami

17. Lahore, Pakistan; Freedom Campus

  • Bonded Labour Liberation Front Pakistan

18. San Jose, Costa Rica; Embassy of Honduras

    • la Red Ecuménica de Lectura Popular de la Biblia

19. Managua, Nicaragua

      • Movimiento Social Nicaraguense “Otro Mundo es Posible”

20. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Cinelandia

      • MST, CMP, MTD, Via Campesina, Assembléia Popular, Casa da América Latina, Jubileu Sul, PCB, PSOL, PSTU, Conlutas, Intersindical, Rede Contra a Violência, Comitê da Palestina, PACS, MLB

21. St. Louis, USA

      • School of the Americas Watch

22. Atlanta, USA

      • School of the Americas Watch

23. Boston, USA

      • School of the Americas Watch

24. San Pedro, USA

      • Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

25. Washington, USA; U.S. Capitol Building

      • SEIU 1199 NY
      • SOA Watch

26. London, United Kingdom, Letter to the Embassy of Honduras

      • War on Want and Allies

27. San Francisco, USA; Consulate of Honduras

    • SOA Watch

28. Amsterdam; The Netherlands; Embassy of Honduras

    • TNI
    • FOEI
    • TIE-Netherlands
    • OLAA
    • Amnesty  International Nederland
    • XminY
    • Casa Migrante
    • Circulo Bolivariano
    • Ojala
    • Cordaid
    • Hivos
    • FIAN-NL

29. Europe: esp. Turkey, Portugal; Urge Honduran Government to Halt Repressive Coup

    • European Coordination of La Via Campesina

30. Brussels, Belgium; Letter to Embassy of Honduras

    • European Coordination of La Via Campesina
    • Ciftci-SEN

31. Maputo, Mozambique; Urge Honduran Government to Halt Repressive Coup

    • Via Campesina Office for Africa

32. International: International Trade Union Confederation

      • The ITUC joined the international day of solidarity with the Honduran people, of rejection and condemnation of the coup d’état and for the restoration of the state of law and democracy in the country. Meetings will be held in front of the Honduran embassy in each country.

33.  USA: Urge the US State Department to Take Action

    • The Quixote Center
    • U.S. Trade Unions
    • International Action Center
    • Witness for Peace

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