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#8M2022 | Global Call to Action | By Sowing Food Sovereignty, We Harvest Rights and a Dignified Life!

On March 8, 2022–International Working Women’s Day—we salute the historic struggles of organized working women in the countryside and in cities for their rights and to live with dignity. Women are the ones who feed their peoples, preserve collective memory, and lead resistance throughout the world. During this Day of Action we call upon our...

17 April 2022 – International Day of Peasant Struggles

17 April is the International Day of Peasant Struggles, commemorated by La Via Campesina every year to remember the Eldorado do Carajás massacre in 1996 and highlight the continued criminalisation, oppression and repression of peasants, workers, and indigenous people communities worldwide. This year also marks a special milestone in the life of La Via Campesina. We are...

Mobilizations | WTO Ministerial in June, Geneva

From the 13-16 June 2022, the WTO held its 12th Ministerial Conference in Geneva. The WTO is struggling to seek relevance again in a world battered by inequality, hunger, extreme poverty, wars and a once-in-a-century pandemic. Read about La Via Campesina's Mobilizations here.    

10 September 2022 | International Day of Action against the WTO and FTAs

On 10 September 2003 and outside the WTO Ministerial meeting venue in Cancun Mexico, Lee Kyung Hae, a small-scale rice producer and peasant activist from South Korea, martyred himself by stabbing in the chest, to protest the neo-liberal policies pushed by the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Lee acted in revolt because he was among the...