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17th of April in Germany

17 April 2009

7th of April, 1 pm: We from the „Action Network on Global Agriculture” will do a symbolic land occupation on the planned construction side of a piglet-production-factory. With the slogan: here slurry and there hunger – save life in the countryside! – we protest against the uprooting and displacement of people all over the world cause of the global, industrial agricultural system and for food sovereignty. On the 18th we participate in the programs of a local citizens group – a protest march, a manifestation and a celebration in the village. More information www.globale-landwirtschaft.net. Contact: globale-landwirtschaft@so36.net; phone 0049 (0)160- 91543155

Beside that we know about the following programs in germany:
Programs “Save life in the countryside/ against the global industrial agriculture system”
17th of April, 10 am: The NGO FIAN protest in front of the embassy of Paraguay for: Land to life – agrarian reform in Paraguay!
17th of April, 11. am: The groups Nandu and attac protest in front of the office of the chancellery: „displacement for animal fodder? – and demand: Stop the construction of piglet factories and mast!
17th of April, 1 pm: We from the „Action Network on Global Agriculture” will do a symbolic land occupation on the planned construction side of piglet-production-factory. With the slogan: here slurry and there hunger – save life in the countryside! – we protest against the uprooting and displacement of people all over the world cause of the global, industrial agricultural system and for food sovereignty.
17th of April, 8.p: Information evening with the title: the landless movement MST, president Lula and the agro business. See www.vivoartspace.com
18th of April
2 pm: The local citizen group “Leben am Tollensetal” calls for a march to the village  Alt Tellin from different starting points with the slogan: Save life in the countryside!, afterwards manifestation and celebration in the village.

Programs against GMOs

17th to 19th: Action weekend with an announced occupation against the GMO garten in Üplingen (Sachsen Anhalt)
17th and 18th: Protests in front of the seed company KWS in Einbeck with bicycle caravans and marches.
18th and 19th: Seed-exchange-market in Kitzingen (closed to Würzburg) with public sowing on a proposed GMO- maize- field.


17 April 2009
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