The news we received from our members in Brasil about the attack of armed militia against them is shocking. That violent attacked caused the death of a member of La Via Campesina, Valmir Motta, 32 years old, father of 3 children, with two shots on his chest. While 6 more peasants were wounded, including Izabel, a women who is in coma and in death risk.
Via Campesina members reported that they organized a peaceful action by re¬occupying the Syngenta trial field on the Sunday Morning (21/10). But an armed militia came a few moment later and carried out the violent attack. We can not accept this brutal attack on rural workers who organized a peaceful action struggling for saving the lifes of people and the environment. The action of the rural workers that morning was a noble action. They want to save the environtment from the contamination of GMOs plants and protect the livelihood of rural workers and peasant livelihood from the control of the trans¬national agribusiness corporations and the forced introduction of GMO food.
In Parana, Syngenta is having a field trial with GMO seed. This is very dangerous as it could contaminate the biodiversity in the surrounding area. More important, it is located very close to a national park.
The international pesant movement La Via Campesina is struggling against GMO seed and food. We also struggle against the control of agribusiness over agriculture and food. We believe that food is a fundamental right of people and in order to fulfill it, peasants should have their rights over land, water and seeds.
La Via Campesina that gathers millions of peasants worldwide wants to express our deepest sympathy to the late Valmir Motta and to his family because of his noble struggle. We would also like to send our solidarity to the wounded victims and their famlilies. Peasants and rural workers worldwide will continue their struggle!
La Via Campesina demands the authorities in Brazil to investigate the case carefully and immediately reveal who has carried out this brutal attack and who has ordered it. They have to be punished.
We call to the worldwide social movements and peasant organizations to continue our struggle against the GMOs seed and food. We call upon you to organize actions for solidarity with the struggle of our comrades of Via Campesina¬Brasil in Parana, Brazil .
We propose you to stage actions in your country in front of the syngenta offices demanding: ¬the punishment of the gunmen, the culprits of these crimes and those responsible ordering the gunmen.
¬demand the immediate retreat of Syngenta from the area in Parana where they carry out the GMO filed tests so that these areas can be converted into peasant based sustainable agriculture.
For more information please contact : La Via Campesina
In Brasil: Rita Zanoto (email:
In Jakarta: Tejo Pramono (email: