(March 8, 2017)Today, The Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) as all liberals and progressives people in the world, are celebrating the International Women’s Day. On this occasion, UAWC would like to confirm its profound faith in the principle of emancipation of women, where UAWC believes that the liberation of any society can only be achieved by assuring women’s liberation and their equal participation in all sectors, since women are half the society.
We render our special tribute to brave Palestinian woman for her steadfastness and insistence to gain all her rights; a special greeting for her and for her constant sacrifices against oppression in all its forms, a special greeting for her due to her great role in our struggle against the Israeli occupation, a special greeting for women farmers who are resisting by their steadfastness ensuring that they are the core of the Palestinian lands.
UAWC would like to confirm that the principle of equality between women and men is at the top of its principles. Since its establishment in 1986, UAWC has worked against the practice of discrimination against women under our vision to achieve true equality between men and women in our society that does not recognize this fundamental practice in our laws. Therefore, we believe that no liberation or development will be achieved under this inequality.
We, at the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, are committed to The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which came into force on the 3ed September, 1981, and assured the prohibition of all forms of discrimination against women and their ability to enjoy all economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights.
Based on our core beliefs, we confirm our commitment to support rural women in Palestine to continue with their important role in all life’s sectors. As well as, we call the Palestinian Authority to translate its statements about the right of women for full equality to actual actions on the ground.
On the International Women’s Day, we would like to send our greetings to all male and female martyrs and detainees; our greetings as well for all men and women who are fighting discrimination to reach for full equality. A special greeting for brave Arab women who are fighting tyranny and oppression wherever their resources .A special greeting for the brave Palestinian women, the guard of our survival.
Wishing a very happy women’s day
Union of Agricultural Work Committees- Palestine
Member of International Peasant movement (La Via Campesina)