Press release – La Via Campesina
See the full list of actions around the world
(Cancun, 7 December 2010) Thousands of people affected by and concerned for the destruction of the environment, farmers, landless peasants, indigenous people and activists of all social sectors will take to the streets in Cancun as well as in other parts of the world as part of La Via Campesina’s Global Day of Action for Climate Justice on December 7.
This march which will take place in the backdrop of the Forum for Life, Social and Environmental Justice in Cancun, Mexico and has as its main slogan “Peasants cool the planet”. This message summarizes the peoples’ proposal to solve the climate crisis and is also reflected in the resolutions that emerged from the peoples’ summit held in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
With colorful flags, hats, signs, posters, and lots of music the protesters will announce their opposition to the mechanisms being imposed in COP 16 such as the false solutions of carbon markets, REDD, agrofuels and geoengineering being imposed on the peoples of the world.
The march will leave at 9:00 am from the Jacinto Canek Sports Center (Unidad Deportiva Jacinto Canek) where roughly 10,000 people are expected to march across the main streets of downtown Cancun. This action is part of the thousands of activities to be performed worldwide as La Via Campesina’s “thousands of Cancun’s.” Actions will happen in Latin America, Asia, Europe, Africa and in the United States and Canada. The actions include public meetings, forums and sit-in’s in Korea, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Brazil, Nepal, Turkey, and mass actions in India, Argentina, Indonesia, El Salvador, the Philippines and Mexico. It is estimated that these actions and events will bring together more than 1 million people.
The popular power generated through these actions is aimed at bringing sustainable and just solutions to solve the climate crisis. In this context, the negotiations of COP 16 can be seen in their true perspective: sand throwing in our eyes for corporate profit rather than the hard decision making needed for social and environmental justice.
Communication team CLOC/Via Campesina
Alfredo Acedo
Cel. 52 1 55 3943 0712