2024 | International Day of Action for Life and against Agrotoxics
The use of agrotoxics in the world continues to be a practice encouraged by agribusiness. In recent years, global use reached 3.54 million tons, 4% more than in 2020 and...
The use of agrotoxics in the world continues to be a practice encouraged by agribusiness. In recent years, global use reached 3.54 million tons, 4% more than in 2020 and...
On December 18, La Via Campesina commemorates International Migrants Day, a significant occasion to honor the resilience, contributions, and struggles of migrants and refugee peoples worldwide—especially during times of crisis,...
European Coordination Via Campesina, Université Libre de Bruxelles and the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam are organising an International Conference of Researchers and Farmers entitled "Rethinking...
On the occasion of the International Day of Working Women’s Struggle, La Vía Campesina calls for a global mobilization to face the advance of fascism, violence and the food crisis....