ECVC: 25 November: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, European Coordination Via Campesina would like to insist on the importance of ending all forms of violence against women.
It is fitting to remember the definition of violence adopted by the UN, which is: “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.”
In Europe, physical, sexual and psychological violence are all far from having been eradicated; and more effort is needed to ensure that the development and progress that has been made in society in general, and in agriculture in particular does not begin to reverse. The way in which women are transformed into objects in advertising and lyrics of certain popular are clear signs that a great deal of fundamental work is needed to achieve the profound social change that would lead to men and women enjoying equal rights.
In general, the battle against violence begins with prevention of abuses and education about gender equality. Subcultures, images and macho habits which permeate our media, work relations, organisations, etc…, must be denounced because they create the conditions for these different forms of violence. Making policies of equality permeate society and the inclusion of women in decision making processes need to constantly remain in the awareness of all men and women if we really want to change the current situation. Parity on all levels remains one of our core demands.
In the agricultural sector, as in various other levels, women’s work suffers from a constant lack of visibility when it comes to farming politics; and the key roles of women in food production and as guardians of sustainable agricultural knowledge and practices are often ignored.
In various countries of the EU a judicial statute that guarantees co-ownership that is equally shared still needs to be advanced in the area of farming. Additionally, it was shown that women peasant-farmers and agricultural workers are more involved in small scale farming; whilst the current CAP is designed to support agro-industry, and as a result discriminates against these women who are active in the agricultural sector.
From European Coordination Via Campesina we commit to continue working and fighting to make violence against women an element of the past rather than an element of the present.
Lidia Senra: 0034609845861
Maria Vogt: 004322455153