Activities La Via Campesina – Central America

Declaration La Via Campesina members of Central America on activities regarding situation in Honduras


That on Sunday 28th  June President José Manuel Zelaya, who was constitutionally and democratically elected by the Honduran people, was taken hostage by soldiers led by groups belonging to the country’s oligarchies, only because these oligarchies do not accept the will of the majority to want to create their own laws.

That in the days after this event social movements and Honduran society in general has bravely and peacefully fought to defend itself against this attack on democracy, making it clear to the entire international community that the only Cabinet and government elected by the people is that represented by President Manuel Zelaya. And in view of the fact that all the Latin American countries that make up the Rio Group, the Organization of American States (OAS) the ALBA, the Central American Integration System (SICA by its Spanish acronym) and the UN condemn the military coup, and categorically refuse to recognize the /de facto /president and current dictator Roberto Micheletti.

1. On the morning of Thursday 2nd  July the Field Workers Association, representing Via Campesina International together with other Central American social movements  will hold a press conference in Managua.

2. Friday 3rd  July the Field Workers Association (ATC by its Spanish acronym), member of Via Campesina and other social organizations in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala will mobilize to blockade the different borders with Honduras.

3. From Nicaragua we are organizing an international mission with delegates from Via Campesina in North America, Central America and South America, as well as delegates from Europe who will accompany the only legitimate president of Honduras when he returns to resume his responsibilities on the 4^th  July. The mission will pursue the following aims:
a)      accompany the leaders of popular, indigenous and trades union and peasant farmer organizations in resistance,
b)      see that the mandate of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the UN is met.
c)      Once in Honduras, to carry out risings and motivate people for action.
d)      To call on the social movements of Honduras to join this peaceful struggle.

Once Mel Zelaya has been restored to his post, as second mission will be organised to accompany the president in the conclusion of his period in office.

It is the moment to build on Central American and Latin American integration, we will no longer let them trample our rights as they have done in the past. Today we are being called to build our own history

¡Globalicemos la lucha, globalicemos la esperanza!!!

Globalize Struggle! Globalize Hope!

¡Viva el movimiento campesino internacional!!!

Long live the international peasant farmers movement!!!

¡Viva el pueblo hondureño!!!

Long live the Honduran people!!!


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