For the International day of Peasants’ Struggles, La Via Campesina and Defending Peasants’ Rights organized a webinar on the uses of the UN Declaration on Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) in peasant’s struggles since its adoption.
Here are eight instances of how the Declaration is being put to use to advance peasants’ struggles.
INDONESIA: Food Sovereignty Zones, Agrarian Reform and UNDROP
Colombia: Integrating peasants as subjects of rights in the Colombian Constitution.
Canada: UNDROP and a Canadian Court Ruling
Kenya: The Struggle against GMOs and UNDROP as a tool
Congo: UNDROP and the negotiations on the next Agricultural Orientation Law
ROMANIA: Peasant Struggles of Eastern Europe and UNDROP
Nepal: A Peasants’ Right Law to become a reality soon?
Switzerland: Friends of the UN Declaration and the struggle for Food Sovereignty