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Nothing multilateral about it! Campaign groups slam the last-minute postponement of Binding Treaty negotiations
26 September 2024
The letter states that this sudden rescheduling, without prior notice, will prevent many movements, communities, Indigenous Peoples, and civil society organizations—those most affected by the issues under debate—from participating in the next session, as they have always done.
South Korea: Prolonged heatwaves lead to brown planthopper infestations, ravaging rice farms
The Korean Peasant League (KPL), the Korean Women Peasants’ Association (KWPA), and other farm unions are urging the government to declare the brown planthopper infestation as a major agricultural disaster, calling for urgent action to support affected farmers.
Agribusiness is the main responsible for the loss of native vegetation in Brazil, says study
25 September 2024
In the Pantanal, the sharpest reduction has been in water surface, which has gone from 21% in 1985 to 4% in 2023, a clear effect of climate change. Experts warn that the prolonged droughts have led to the occupation of previously floodable lowland areas by agribusiness, with monoculture plantations.
ECVC’s Policy Brief: Recommendations for the implementation of UNDROP in Europe
This policy brief is thus addressed at policy makers at the European and national level and suggests different modalities in which the obligations outlined in the UNDROP can be concretely implemented.
LVC Arab and North Africa Region: Solidarity Statement with the Lebanese people and its farmers
24 September 2024
La Via Campesina Arab Region and North Africa (LVC ARNA) condemns…
South Korea: Faced with Climate Crisis, Peasant Women Protest Corporate-Oriented Farming Policies and Food Imports
19 September 2024
On August 21st, more than 600 peasant women gathered at the National Assembly in Seoul to voice their concerns to the government about agricultural policies related to climate disasters.
Implementing the UNDROP: A Key Step for Achieving Social and Climate Justice | Joint Written Statement to the UN
18 September 2024
In a joint written statement* submitted by Centre Europe – tiers monde (CETIM), FIAN International, La Via Campesina and other NGOs on the list, the groups have reiterated that the promotion and implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) is a key step towards achieving social and climate justice.
The Peasant Women of La Via Campesina in Africa are saying NO to the WTO and the FTAs
17 September 2024
We, the women of La Via Campesina in Africa, gathered here in Lome, Togo; are joining hands with other LVC members, allies and friends of La Via Campesina across the world to raise our voices against WTO and FTAs as they are a threat to human rights, food sovereignty, environmental sustainability and local economies leading to immense inequalities.
Nyéléni Newsletter: A new framework for trade based on food sovereignty
16 September 2024
This edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter calls for an end to the exploitative model of capital expansion through free trade agreements. We explore the urgent need to break the hegemony of free trade and build an alternative that upholds solidarity and internationalism, and respects the diversity, autonomy, and food sovereignty of nations and communities.
Colombia: Declaration from the Peasants’ Summit as preparations for Biodiversity COP16 gather pace
12 September 2024
As caretakers, protectors, and nurturers of life, Colombian and international peasant organizations, gathered at the Peasant Summit towards COP16 in Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca, Colombia, declare the following to the Colombian Government, the Colombian people, and the global community.
Canada: NFU Joins Allies in the Global Day of Action against the WTO and Free Trade Agreements
11 September 2024
The unjust trade regime is being used by the United States government, under the Canada-US-Mexico trade agreement (CUSMA), with support from Canada, to challenge Mexico’s restrictions on the use of genetically modified (GM) corn (maize)
Chile: Water contamination by pesticides, the impact of agro-export expansion.
The samples showed the presence of diuron and fosetyl-Al above the detection limit in the Putagán-Loncomilla (Maule), Ñiquén (Ñuble) and Changaral (only fosetyl-Al; Ñuble) rivers. These two chemicals have been classified as carcinogenic and highly hazardous in the United States and the European Union.