(Jakarta) Again violation to the peasants right occurred in Indonesia today (29/11/2005), after the Indonesian police and the army secured the eviction process of peasant from their land in Tanak Awuk, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Using ten trucks, police and army came to the location to secure the eviction process of peasant that was held by the local government.
Peasants member of FSPI in location were trying to defense their land and also a mosque building but the police and army insisting and arrested 10 of the peasant. Among of those peasants arrested are Mamiq Mariana, Bapak Rohana, Musarief, Mamiq Fit, and Bapak Ita who now detained in the Praya police station. Until this report is being written police still trying to arrest more peasants, particularly the leaders.
Wahidjan, the leader of Serta NTB, branch of the Indonesian Peasant Union (FSPI) in the province, who is trying to reach the location is blocked by the police on his way.
By doing this eviction, the local government seemed want to not to step backward eventhough the national human rights commision (KOMNAS HAM) is still finalishing its investigation report after the violence coocured on last September. Previously on September 18, the police has shoot peasant who gathered to commemorate the national peasant days, attended also by La Via Campesina peasant leaders from Latin America, Europe and Africa. Tens of peasant were injured during the clash. The provincial government plan to establish an international airport by evicted peasants from their land and convert the fertile farmland to plane running highway.
Your solidarity is urgently needed on this violation of peasant rights, please send your letter to FSPI
Federasi Serikat Petani Indonesia (FSPI)
Jl. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 5 Jakarta Selatan 12790
Jakarta – Indonesia 12790
Phone: +62-21-7991890 Facs : +62-21-7993426