The international and multinational companies are our common enemies. Those companies are the ones that control the world economy. They manage the big distribution and take part more exactly in the extension of polluting industries that compete between themselves.
At the present time in Haiti, certain organisations like for instance : * Foundation CHIBAS-Haïti (; *Foundation Jatropha* and* Jatropha Pepinyè *are very determined and interested in buying the most productive lands of the country for jatrofa plantation. They had their first conference on june 23-24, 2009 . The conference was titled : « Conference of organizers and actors of jatrofa field in Haiti». We, members of Via Campesina, have organized parallel in front of the hotel a sit-in against this project which has a negative feed back on this conference. We won a battle but not the war.
Before this conference, in the MPP congress in march 2008, we sent a petition against this project that has for objective the destuction of the farmer class in haiti. In order to continue fighting , we are organizing a protest march on october 16, 2009 in which we will hand in the petition to the haitian authorities to say no to the jatropha program and yes to a long-standing agriculture for food production.
For this reason, we ask for your support through a letter signed by one or several members of your organisation knowing that the dead line is wednesday october 14, 2009.
*Globalisons la lutte !*
*Globalisons l’Espoir !*