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Program 18-19 January debate wih venues

18 January 2004 @ 0 h 00 min - 19 January 2004 @ 0 h 00 min GMT

Via Campesina International farmers movement Movimiento campesino internacional Mouvement paysan international secretaria operativa/operative secretariat: Apdo Postal 3628 Tegucigalpa , MDC Honduras, C.A.

MUMBAI OFFICE phone: (+9122) 28446286 E:mail : desal@laneta.apc.org Invitation to participate in the “Via Campesina International Space” in Mumbai , India

Via Campesina will organize in Mumbai close to the WSF and Mumbairesistance2004 the “International Via Campesina space”. We especially want to invite peasant organisations and fisherfolk and representatives of other social movements. Via Campesina wants to use this opportunity after the victory in Cancun to strengthen our struggle against the neo-liberal policies and common agenda of action.

First day – 18th of January Venue : Satyam Park – Shreyas Colony, near Aarey Road Check Naka, Goregaon (E), Mumbai – 400 063. (close from WSF and Mumbai Resistance).

Morning (9h00-12h00) Towards the full recognition of peasant rights Peasant Rights are not recognized at the national and international level. Via Campesina South-East/East Asia has developed a proposal for a “Declaration of Peasant Rights” and will present this initiative. We want to raise the issue of violation of peasant rights and develop concrete actions. Afternoon (14-17h00) How to strengthen the struggle for genuine land reform ? Many organizations are active in the struggle for a genuine land reform. Via Campesina and FIAN work together in the Global Campaign on Agrarian Reform. After an exchange of experiences on current struggles for land, a debate will take place on how Via Campesina can strengthen this struggle at the local, national level and what actions are needed at the international level for example regarding policies of the World Bank.

Second day – 19th of January Venue : Leela’s Banquet (2nd floor), Hall Opp. Hotel Jayprakash, near Railway station, Goregaon (East), Mumbai – 400 063.

Morning (9h30-12h30) Defending farmers’ seeds and strenghten our struggle against GMO’s and patents Peasant organisations have put forward a strong opposition against GMO’s and patents. From Brazil , France to India en Indonesia , GMOs crop fields have destroyed. In 2002, Via Campesina has launched in Porto Alegre and Rome an international campaign to defend “peasant seeds”. Via Campesina proposes to discuss further actions against GMO’s and patents as well as initiatives to defend peasant seeds. Afternoon (14-17h00) Peoples’ food sovereignty and WTO Peoples’ Food Sovereignty is a key concept in the struggle against WTO, other Free Trade Agreements and corporate agriculture. We will present and discuss the outcomes of Cancun . Organisations from Europe will expose the situation in Europe and comment their proposals for another agricultural policy. Key discussion will be the agenda of peasant and other social movements after Cancun .

Information : Information regarding these debates, please contact Xavier Delwarte (French / English) : (+91) (Mumbai mobile). Coordination : Nico Verhagen (Spanish, English, French) : (+91) Maria Hellena (Spanish, English) : (+91) 9819490044 (Mumbai mobiles).

To follow Via Campesina in Bombay , read its latest press releases to www.viacampesina.org (inmediate postings) or susbcribe to our mailing list by sending a blank message to ViaCampesina…-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


18 January 2004 @ 0 h 00 min GMT
19 January 2004 @ 0 h 00 min GMT
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