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List of Activities for 17th April, 2012 around the world

17 April 2012


Tete, 17th of April
Activity: march and mass mobilization against land grabbing in Mozambique as well as in solidarity of peasants evicted by mining multinationals in the country and protest against violence

Cabo Delgado, 17th of April
Activities: Peasants of UNAC in Cabo Delgado (north of Mozambique) and local civil society will meet the Provincial governor to discuss the following issues:

  • The challenges of the growing phenomenon of grabbing community land
  • The men and animal conflict in the communities
  • Impacts of multinational mega projects for peasants
  • How to access credits for family scale agriculture

Cabo Delgado, from 15th to 17th of April
Activities: March, peasant struggles film exhibition and dancing
Organizer: UNAC- Cabo Delgado



Western and Northern Cape, 17th of April and beyond
Activities: The Agrarian Reform for Food Sovereignty Campaign will participate in the following activities on the 17th April 2012:
1. Occupation of a state farm in the Western Cape where the small scale farmers will also engage in productive activities (sowing of crops).
2. Public forum and screening of a movie in Van Rhynsdorp in the Western Cape. This will be preceded by pamphlet drive which will focus on International Day of the Peasant struggle, call to stop land grabbing and local land reform issues.
3.Public forum and screening of a movie in Nababeep in the Northern Cape. This will be preceded by pamphlet drive which will focus on International Day of the Peasant struggle, call to stop land grabbing and local land reform issues.




Activity: The Food Rights Alliance will launch a national campaign on YOUR LAND: YOUR LIFE.
Contact: Agnes Kirabo – Telephone : +256 414 270598
Email: vedco[at]infocom.co.ug



Jakarta; 17 of April
Activity: Press Conference in the head office of SPI (Jakarta) with allies

In the regions, 17th of April

Activity: Mass action in the regions/provinces in Indonesia
Jakarta, 19th of April

Activity: Mass action in front of the Constitution Court in Jakarta
Organizer: SPI


ITALY (+ see further)

Napoli, 17th of April

– Farmers testimonies and presentation of the Campaign “Land, a Common Good”
– Screening of the documentary “THE WHITE REVOLUTION”
Organizer: an event organized by Ragnatela&SquolaPopolare

Perugia, 17th of April
10 -11
Activity: Presentation of the film “genuino clandestino”, of Nicola Angrisano
– Presentation of the producers of “TerraFuoriMercato and launching of the campaign “Land, a common good”
Time: 18h

Activity: Dinner, appetizer “clandestine”.
Time: 20h
Organizer: Al Mangiar bene

Padua, 17 of April
Activity: a day of discussion and action about Land Grabbing, the struggles over land and common goods in Italy (as, for example, the struggle against NO TAV, high speed train) the new enclosures that are spreading thanks to the new government and the plan of new oil drillings around the nation.
More infos (in Italian) here: http://laboratoriobaracca.noblogs.org/ http://baraccaoccupata.noblogs.org/

Organizer: Group of students and workers from Padua


BELGIUM (+ see further)

Brussels, 15th of April
Activity : dance, giant brunch, music, seeds exchanges. Actions planned for April 17 will also be presented

Time : starts at 12am
Activity: Screening of various documentaries and debate:
– 14h : ” Breeders solutions to climate change”
– 15h : “Free our seeds ”
– 16h : “Nyeleni 2011”

Organizer : Réseau de soutien à l’agriculture paysanne (RsAP)
Venue: Brussels, parc du Cinquantenaire in the part of the parc called “plaine du chien vert” (Schuman side).



Montevideo, week of April 17
Activity : capacity building and training with landless farmers from Casavalle

Activity: Bringing seeds in Primary Schools of Casavalle, Montevideo and give talks to children about the importance of planting.

Activity: Deliver a document to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, claiming access to land for farmers through the National Institute of Colonization, promoting the creation of community food markets,

Contact: Wilton Andrada concejalandrada@gmail.com


IRELAND (+ see further)

Sligo, 17th of April

Activity: open day of a newly established community orchard. Wild flower seeds sowing, grafting fruit tree’s demonstration and local food. celebration
Contact: natascha telford nataschatelford@gmx.com



Cochabamba, 11th and 12th of Abril

Activity: International Day of Agroecology and food sovereignty,  Debate and analyze forms of struggle and organization of a new production model alternative to predatory capitalist system. Given the importance of participation of indigenous and peasant women in the process, the seminar is called “because the production has a female face.”
Lugar: Chulamani, Tablas Monte



Activity: In preparation of the People Summit in Rio, the International Alliance of Inhabitants will support the International day of peasants struggles by publishing of a special bulletin for its more than 130.000 users in more than 100 countries.
Contact: Cesare Ottolini – info@habitants.org
Organizer: International Alliance of Inhabitants


ARGENTINA (+ see further)

Buenos Aires, 12th to 17th of April

  • ON THURSDAY 12/4, 16hs: Debate in the Faculty of Agronomy, UBA. In: Av San Martin 4453, CABA. Organized by FANA.
  • ON THURSDAY 12/4, 20 hs Debate in the Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA, UBA, Sede Constitución. En: Santiago del Estero 1029, CABA. Organized by La Mella
  • ON SATURDAY 14/4, 15 to 18 hs Debate in Fair of Cooperative ” The Asamblearia “, Bompland’s Market. Mercado de Bompland. En: Bompland 1660, CABA.
  • ON SATURDAY 14/4, 19,30 hs Chats in Cultural Center “Los Otros”, En: Calle 19 esquina 34 B. Barrio Santa Teresita, Guernica-Distrito Presidente Perón.
  • ON MONDAY 16/4, 16hs in the Faculty of Engineering, UBA. En: Av Paseo Colon 850, CABA. Organized by  MLI.
  • ON TUESDAY 17/4, 11 hs Act in front of The National Congress. En Plaza del Congresos.

Mendoza, 14th of April

– From 5 pm  Rock and Festival in Factory of Balanced Food of the UST, Ruta 34 s/n, Villa Tulumaya, Lavalle.
– Debate in the Nacional Faculty of Cuyo

Jujuy, 14th and 15th of April

Fair del Cambalache y Trueque de la Red Puna, en la Comunidad de El Churcal – Juella, 5 km to the north of Tilcara, under the slogan ” In defense of the land, seeds and food “. The same one is organized by the Community Aborígen de El Churcal y la Red Puna..

Santiago del Estero, 21st of April

– Saturday 21st ABADO 21/4, Festival for 9 years of FM del Monte. Fair of Products of the Food Sovereignty, Bingo, Championship of Football, Videoes, In the night musical Festival with local and regional Artists..En sede de la Central Campesina: Cruce de Ruta Nacional 89 Y 53, Rotonda Sur, QUIMILI.
– Debate in the capital of the province. Time and day tbc.
– Festival for FM’s anniversary Inti Manta MOCASE-VC. Date and hour tbc.
– Solidary Day of works in the construction in the headquarters of the Rural University UNICAM and the inauguration of the FM Suri soon. En Villa Ojo de Agua. Date and hour tbc.
– Festival for FM’s anniversary Sacha Huaira, MOCASE-VC. en Tintina. Date and hour tbc.
– Festival for FM’s anniversary Paj Sachama MOCASE-VC. en Las Lomitas. Date and hour tbc.

Cordoba, 12th to 19th of April,

– Thursday 12/4: 20 hs Screening of documentaries about the rural life en San Carlos Minas.
– Saturday 14/4: Action of reforestation by small scale farmers organizations and local organizations from the city of Córdoba. Barrio Marta Juana Gonzalez
– Monday 16/4 to Thrusday 19/4: Tour of the primary schools of the Northwest of Cordoba, Projection of documentary ” rural rights “, reflection with the educational community.
– Tuesday 17/4: Exchanges of activities in the Farmers school Encrucijada; Debate from 20.30hs to 22.30 CENMA Villa de Maria de Río Seco.
– Tuesday 17/4. During the whole day : public awareness in the City de Deán Funes. Centro cultural municipal.
– Tuesday 17/4 from 10 to 13hs, Workshop, seeds and products exchange in la plaza de Villa de Soto.
– Tuesday 17/4 from 9 hs, Minga de Trabajo in the headquarters of  APENOC en Serrezuela, in the afternoon Feria y Fiesta.
– Wednesday 18: Debate in the various faculties of the city Córdoba
– Thrusday 19, 9hs We accompany the march in Cordoba for the day of the aborigen people



Sonora, 17th of April

Activity: Forum to analyze the situation of the income of the land “rentismo” del sector ejidal and work on the possible actions lines for the future



Halifax, 17th of April

Activity: Film screening and guest speaker event in solidarity with the International Day of Peasant’s Struggles.
Contact: Jeff Torbert: jeff_torbert@hotmail.com


US, NORTH CAROLINA (+ see further)

Activity: Workshop and discussion on land grabbing and the resistance movements around the world at Warren Wilson College
Activity: film exhibition at Werren Wilson College
Contact: Sophie winitsky



Manabi Province, 15 th of April


Activity: Festival of Flavors and Knwoledge : With the purpose of popularizing the gastronomy and the traditions, a set of local dishes, as caldo de gallina criolla, tongas, tortas de choclo, yuca y verde, humitas, suero blanco, tortillas de maíz amarillo, colada de choclo, cazuela, bollos, bolones, pan de almidón, tortillas de yuca, ceviche, ensaladas de frejol tierno y choclo, empanadas de verde, pastelillos, fritadas, hayacas, rellenas, rompopes, dulces, etc. During the Festival, organic products and recipes of the communities “socias of Focaznom” will be available. Traditional activities of culture and art.
Time : 10h00
Venue: Plaza Cívica
Organizer: Federación de Organizaciones campesinas de la zona norte de Manabí FOCAZNOM
Contact: Victor Hugo Zambrano Andrade <focaznom@hotmail.com>


FRANCE (+ see further)

Nice, 17th of April
Activity: Press conference with local organizations (Alliance Provence, Agribio 06, Terre de Liens, Artisans du Monde, Les Perdigones, Aqui sien Ben, le PECOS…) to talk about difficulties to access to land for farming
Time: 18h

Activity: Diner with local products
Time : 19 h

Activity : Screening of the film “Tous au Larzac”
Time : 20h30
Venue : Heaquarters of the association “La Zonmé”, 7 bis rue des Combattants en Afrique du Nord, à Nice.
Contacts: Yoann LE LAY – Place Chanoine Gouget – 06 380 SOSPEL – 04 93 81 06 23
Organizer: Confederation Paysanne

Questembert, 17th of April

Activity: planting seeds on a round about. Come with your seeds, gardening tools and sound instruments !!!
Time 16h30
Venue : rond point du Petit-Molac (ICI)
Organizer : Ingalan

Nantes, 17 of April

Activity: gardening rally !!
Bring your seeds, gardening tools and sound instruments to transform the town into a wild and merry garden!!!
Time :  16h00
venue : Square Mercoeur (ICI)

Teillé, 17 of April

Activity: Meeting in solidarity of the international day of peasant struggle Various political parties are invited to speak on various topics and will address the problems associated with land purchases, by firms imposing monoculture systems such as African palm.
Venue : Salle polyvalente de Teillé
Time : 20h30
Date: 17 avril
Organizer : Wagon, Loco-motive, Agile, and Confédération paysanne



Istria, 17th of April
Activity: The Green Library Project, the Librarian Association of Istria will present La Via Campesina movement, through the lecture by Zoran Skala on problems of food production in the 21st century
Place: At the University of Pula (Croatia).
Contact : Ivan Kraljevic


UNITED STATES (+ see further)

Maine, 17th of April
Activity: Food for Maine’s Future hopes to achieve100 showings nationwide of ‘You Wanted To Be A Farmer: A Discussion Of Scale’. Watch this new documentary about small farmer challenges at: http://noumbrella.com/nublog/no-umbrella-tv/you-wanted-to-be-a-farmer-a-discussion-of-scale-video/.
Contact : foodformainesfuture207@gmail.com to show this film; a DVD and discussion materials will be provided.

Vermont, 17th of April

Activity: Multiple Vermont showings of ‘You Wanted To Be A Farmer”. free and open to the public :
Time : 6 or 7 pm,
Place: Screenings in: Newport; Chester; Wheelock; Fairfield; Burlington; Shelburne; Poultney; Peacham; Wells; St. Albans; and Ripton

Glendive, Montana, 17th of April

Activity: Northern Plains Resource Council – Film showing and discussion

Chicago, April 17-18

Activity: Family Farm Defenders with Stand Up Chicago –
venue : Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Time : 5pm Tuesday and 12-1pm Wednesday;

Activity : potluck dinner and food sovereignty discussion
Venue : Jane Addams Hull House Museum  for
Time :7pm

Washington, DC, April 15-17

Activity: Discussion of Food Movements Unite at Busboys and Poets with Ben Burkett and Eric Holt-Gimenez; Action against Giant grocery stores’ headquarters
Organizer : NFFC, Student Farmworker Alliance/Coalition of Immokalee Workers and Food First

Columbia, April 23

Activity: — Film showing with discussion and local foods potluck
Venue : Café Berlin
Organizer : Missouri Rural Crisis Center


UK (+ see further)

Walthamstow, 17th of April

Activity: Public teach-ins – The community food growers network invites you to a day of public events exploring why Genetically Modified (GM) crops pose a threat to sustainable food production, what the GM industry is doing here in Britain, and how we as ordinary people can support alternative, sustainable and socially just food systems.
Organizer: The Community food growers network.
More info on: http://www.cfgn.org.uk/
Chingford, 17th of April

Activity: Public teach-ins – The community food growers network invites you to a day of public events exploring why Genetically Modified (GM) crops pose a threat to sustainable food production, what the GM industry is doing here in Britain, and how we as ordinary people can support alternative, sustainable and socially just food systems.
Organizer: The Community food growers network.
More info on: http://www.cfgn.org.uk/

Brixton, 17th of April

Activity: Public teach-ins – The community food growers network invites you to a day of public events exploring why Genetically Modified (GM) crops pose a threat to sustainable food production, what the GM industry is doing here in Britain, and how we as ordinary people can support alternative, sustainable and socially just food systems.
Organizer: The Community food growers network
More info on: http://www.cfgn.org.uk/

London, 17th of April

Activity: Film screening “ Vanishing of the Bees”
More on: www.nn-3.net/globalise-hope

Gloucestershire, 17th of April

Activity: We intend to make a stand, for peasants rights, here in the Forest of Dean- the last great Forest in the England.
Contact: Thom Forester – all@protectthewilderness.co.uk
Organizer: ProtectTheWilderness


ESPAÑA (+ see further)

Oviedo, Asturia, 17st of April
Activity : Rally and theater
Time :  19h
Venue: Pza Ayuntamiento. Uviéu
Organizer: Plataforma Asturiana por la Soberania Alimentaria

Nava, Asturia, 21st of April

Activity: Organic and artisanal market. Theater “La historia de las cosas” and music.
Time :  11h30
Venue: Pza Dominganes. Nava
Organizer: Plataforma Asturiana por la Soberania Alimentaria

Alicante, 13th of April

Activity : Screening of a documentary on “Transxenia”(GMO)
Venue : Sala Miguel Hernández. Sede Universitaria Avda. Ramón y Cajal, 4.
Time : 20:15h Proyección Audiovisual .

Alicante, 14th of April

Activity : Stories and infantile plays. musical rally – popular ecological lunch and distribution of information
Venue : Plaza de las Flores, Mercado Central.
Time : 11am to 3pm

Alicante, 18th of April


Activity : Debate on GM food and consequences for our daily life with Lola Raigón. Catedrática de Escuela Universitaria del Área de Edafología y Química Agrícola UPV. Experta en alimentación ecológica. Manuel Izquierdo. Apicultor y Miembro de la Ejecutiva provincial de COAG Sevilla. David Sánchez. Amigos de la Tierra.

Venue : Club Información. Avda. Doctor Rico, 17.

Time : 19:00h


Castilla y León, Ponferrada, 14th of April,


Activity : Under the asphalt is the orchard. Talk given by members of BAH. Unit cooperative of distribution- consumption of organic production that presents a alternative consumer-producer relationship model.

Venue: Centro Social la Madriguera del Oso (C/Méjico 2, Ponferrada)

Time : 18h00

Castilla y León, Ponferrada, 15th of April,


Activity: Video-forum and discussion: “The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil” (El poder de la Comunidad: Como Cuba Sobrevivío al Pico del Petróleo). A documentary that shows the social changes happened in Cuba due to the embargo of United States forcing them to seek alternatives to their previous life styles.

Venue : Tetería de Toral de Merayo

Time : 12h00

Castilla y León, Ponferrada, 16th of April


Activity: Comprehensive cooperative talk: Alipio Gorostiza, president of consumer ecological Leon Seed, presents a model of cooperatives that provide solutions to all levels: production, financial, social, etc..

Location: Dosmilvacas, arte (Avda.de Astorga, 7. Bajo. Ponferrada)

Time : 19h30

Castilla y León, Ponferrada, 17th of April


Activity: Workshop conducted by Gustavo Duch, veterinarian, writer and contributor to various national media, former director of Veterinarios sin Fronteras and author of several books on food sovereignty, food industry and abuse of power in third world countries.

Time : 19h00

País Vasco, San Sebastian, 17th of April


Activity: That day we will in the street, putting posters with slogans against the land grabbing and for food sovereignty, accompanied by music and local produce in celebrative demands way.

Time : 18h00

Organizers: A consumer group “Antiguaotarrak del Antiguo” (Donostia)

Contact: Antiguaotarrak Kontsumo Taldea

Provincia de Valencia, Castelló de la Plana, 17th of April

Activity: Lecture – “The impact of GMOs in our food” by
David Sanchez, GM expert and member of Friends of the Earth.
Location: In San Isidro Foundation, Enmedio 49.

Time : 19:15

More information: http://notransgenicsavinaros.blogspot.com.es/

UNITED STATES (+see further)

El Paso, 17th of April


Activity: The Centro de Trabajadores Agrícolas Fronterizos in El Paso is calling on the community to join them for a food sovereignty call to action rally. The rally and other events will take place at CTAF, located at 201 E. Ninth Ave.

More info on: http://www.utepprospector.com/rally-for-farmworkers-1.2846280?pagereq=1

Organizer: Centro de Trabajadores Agrícolas Fronterizos en El Paso


Brisbane, 17th of April


Activity: Information sharing Breakfast

Hosted by Reciprocity for the staff and farmers of Food Connect, Brisbane

Time: from 8.30 am to 10.30 am

Location: Food Connect Homestead, Salisbury, Brisbane (Queensland, Australia)

Purpose: To learn about La Via Campesina, hear the great stories of struggles and successes of the LVC farmers, find out how Australian small-scale family farmers can become a part of LVC to put the power back into the hands of farmers and to demonstrate solidarity with farmers across the planet.

BRAZIL (+ see further)

Rio de Janeiro, 17th of April


Activity: Judiciary Act, for the punishment of the murderer of Eldorado dos Carajás, in defense of Agrarian Reform, at Avenida Presidente Antônio Carlos, 114, 10h00 AM.


Nationwide, 17th of April


Activity: Documentary Exhibition: “En Defensa de la Tierra – In defense of Land”, by Miguel Mirra, in various places in Argentina. “En Defensa de la Tierra” is a 35 min documentary, about peasant struggle against mega mining projects in Latin America, with examples of Peru, Mexico and Argentina.

Organizer: Movimento de Documentalistas de Argentina


Jerusalem, 17th of April


Activity: “Nowhere left to go”, a film against the land-grabbers: Israeli Administrations, Jewish National Fund, IDF and others in the bureaucracy.

More info on: www.jahalin.org

Contact: Angela Godfrey-Goldstein

Organizers: The Jahalin Association, Palestine


Uppsala, 18th of April


Activity: a lecture to celebrate The International day for peasant struggle with Diego Montón, active in the global small farmers network Via Campesina. He will bring up alternative solutions about how we can reduce our influence over the climate and the violations of people’s right to food.

Time : 18h30
Location: Cafe Mumrik, Kungsgatan 61, Uppsala

Organizer: Latinamerikagrupperna Uppsala
Contact: Juliana : juliana@libertar.se


Vessegibro , Falkenberg , 13th to 15th of April


Activity: Natural Resources and Cultivating Conference

Organizer: NordBruk with FOE and others

ITALY (+ see further)

Trento, 17th of April


Activities: In our small Trentino, seemingly respectful of the environment and nature, we will organize an afternoon of Earth:

16.00 – Flashmob for spring awakening (for those who want to participate write to richiedentiterra@gmail.com)

16.40h – Presentation Initiative
17.00h – Self-production of vegetables and aromatic plants (participants can take home, share or give away to passers / friends / family the fruits of their work)
– Sharing stories and struggles of peasants and international km zero
Final organic snack for those who spend at least 15 minutes of his precious time 🙂
The activities ‘will be accompanied by the sound of African rhythms djambe’!

Location: Piazza Cesare Battisti


Quillon, 17thof April


Activity : Day of solidarity with the peasants of Quillón’s Commune who lost their houses and agricultural production because of the forest fires. Peasants and original peoples of different localities of the country will deliver their seeds, plants and native trees to families affected by the fire in Quillón


Geneva, 17th of April


Activity : During the day: 11am appointment for a walk promenade de la Treille in the Old part of the city of Geneva. Evening: 8:15 p.m. Conference with Maria Carmen Garcia Bueno, member of the committee of SOC (union of fields workers), involved at the beginning of Marinaleda experiences. Land occupations are common in that region of Spain. Let’s discover an unusual place. Utopia has it become reality?

Lieu: maison des Associations Genève, 15 rue des Savoises
Heure : 19h30 Film on Marinaleda
Organizer :
groupe écosocialiste de solidaritéS. Uniterre et l’autre syndicats, membres de la Via Campesina

Winterhur, 17th of April


Activity : questioning of city officials.

Heure 10h.

Lieu : Oberer Graben

Laufen, 17th of April


Activité : Launching of a quality label for milk

Venue : Restaurant Lämmli.

Neuchatel, 18th of April


Activity : Evening with Maria Carmen Garcia Bueno on Marinaleda and acces to land.

18h anti pasti

– 19h film on Marinaleda
– 20h conference

Venue: Salle Unia, av. de la Gare 3, Maison des syndicats à Neuchâtel

Organizer: SolidaritéS, Maloca, Groupe migrants UNIA, Uniterre Neuchâtel

Jura, 17th of April


Activity : surprise

GERMANY (+ see further)

Bremen, 17th of April


Activity : 24 – hours siege in front of Deutsche Bank : soup kitchen, music, theater, film and much more. Please bring chairs, tents, rain equipment, information material, your own cultural contributions and much more. Stop neocolonial land-grabbing and food speculation. For food sovereignty and a good life for everyone !!

Time : 16.30 on time:

Venue : Deutsche Bank at the Domshof in Bremen

Organizer : European section of the transnational network afrique-europe-interact

More info : www.afrique-europe-interact.net


Dakar, 17th of April


Activity : In the context of the 13th edition of the FIARA, day of action on two current issues: 1. situation of food security in Senegal. 2. Inventory of land governance in Senegal.

Heure : 9 am

Lieu : CICES

Organizer : CNCR,  with ROSA and ActionAid

BELGIUM (+see further)

Brussels, 16th of April


Activity : Screening of the film ‘L’hiver dernier”, John Shank. The film will be followed by an exchange with some people invested in the red réseau de soutien à l’agriculture paysanne

Venue : cinéma Vendôme

Time : 19 h

Brussels, 17th to 30th of April


Activity : Photos Exposition on access to land (ONG FIAN). Speeches and vernissage on April 17, from 12h30 to 14h00.

Place : Parlement Fédéral :

Brussels, 19th of April


Activity : Screening of “Solutions locales pour un désordre global” debate with some members of ReSAP (réseau de soutien à l’agriculture paysanne)

Venue : ferme Holleken à Uccle. :

SPAIN (+ see further)

Navarra, 16th of April


Activity : Debate on tenure and use of land in Navarra with farmers from EHNE

organizer : Alianza por la Soberanía Alimentaria de Nafarroa

Navarre, 21th of  April


Activity : Food sovereignty fest with (Consumer and producer group. Social forum, seeds exchanges)

organizer : Alianza por la Soberanía Alimentaria de Nafarroa


Guatemala, 17th of April


Activity : Small scale Farmers of Guatemala will organize a march in the city of Guatemala to demand to the government to attend to the needs of the rural and indigenous population, and to remember the Guatemalan people that the country accelerates his way towards major poverty and a hunger famine if the things go ahead like that.

Organizer : Coordinadora Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas CNOC  that includes CONDEG, CODECA, UVOC, KABAWIL, Comunidades Indígenas Xincas y ACDIP,



Saint Hyacinthe, 17th of April


Activity : Le Projet Accompagnement Québec-Guatemala (PAQG) will take part to a participative lunch organized by Solidarité Populaire Richelieu-Yamaska (SPR-Y). Le PAQG will do a presentation on the peasant struggles, the Canadian mining in Guatemala and shale gas in Quebec. The photo exhibition “Mines in the South, the North Gas: same dispossession? “Will also be presented in abbreviated form.

FRANCE (+ see further)

Jura (ou Franche-Comté), Champagnole, 17th of April


Activity : Action againts agricultural land grab by a supermarket construction.

Dordogne, 17th of April


Activity : Pique-nique againts agricultural land grab in a zone that will be built (3500 m2)

Calvados, Caen, 17th of April


Activity : Screening of the film « Tous au Larzac »with a debate

Calvados, Caen, 21st of April


Activity : Downtown action againts land grabbing. Public awareness (distribution of small pots filled with soil and a seed, soil saved from concrete areas)

Ardèche, 17th of April


Activity :Action against agricultural land grab on a place where houses will be built : « buckets of soil against iron pot».

Languedoc Roussillon, 17th of April

113 :

Activity : two actions are foreseen. One will be specifically on land

Paris, 17th of April :


Activity : Welcoming of Farmers cyclo tour looking for land, coming from Nord-Pas de Calais. Symbolic actions will be organized (visit to presidential campaign headquarters ?). Submission of a Letter and a trophy symbolic to landgrabber

Venue : Av des Champs-Elysées – A la sortie du Métro Georges V (ligne 1)

Time : 15h30

Haute-Savoie, Annemasse, 17th of April


Activity : Pique-nique against land grab in a future Zone of 25 ha for Economic Activities (ZAE). Comedy action involving a fake mayor, speeches awards ….

Mayenne, 24th of April


Activity : Welcoming of farmers cyclo-tour with retiring farmers land young farmers

Nord, Lille, 14th of April


Activity : cyclotour departure to Paris and Nantes. Farmers market, small farm downtown in front of the town hall to denounce a new project of ZAC (zone for comercial activities) Rally to the Place. Informal meeting between artist and farmers.

Deux-Sèvres, Bressuire, 12th of April


Activité : Action (with tractors) in connection with the arrival of JM Ayrault (mayor of Nantes). La Conf 79 will denounce land grab due to Notre Dame des Landes airport

Doubs, Marchaux, 17th of April


Action de denounce the settlement of a photovoltaic plant of 20 ha.


UNITED KINGDOM (+ see further)

Bristol, 17th of April


Activité : Bring music makers and other loud things, peasant attire (we’ll bring the dung) snacks, seedlings to plant – bring the wilderness to the concrete of the Court! We’re organising skillshares, bushcraft workshops, guerilla gardening, they’ll be talks on land rights and laws.

Heure 11 heure

Lieu : Bristol County Court, Redcliff Street, Bristol, BS1 6GR

Organisateur : Peasants Protect The Wilderness and Reclaim the fields


Province de Lalitpur, 17th of Aprill


Activity : Conference with 150 participants on past, present and future of international peasant movement, evolution and development of La Via Campesina and its struggle against the neoliberal paradigm and in favor of food sovereignty.

Organisateur : ANPFa


The Nyéléni newsletter special on landgrabbing

MALI (+ see further)

Sanamadougou, 17of April


Activity : a delegation of CNOP in support to farmers struggling against investors and reclaiming their land abusively taken by an investistor

Organizer : CNOP


BRAZIL (+ see further)

Brazilia, 17th of April


Activity: Public act against inpunity and for agrarian reform

Venue: Plenario 2, en la Camera de los Diputados de Brasilia

Organizer: MST

Estado del Para, Eldorado dos Carajas, from 8 to 17th of April,


Activity : MST Youth camp around rural education, agroecology, pesticides, campaign againts violence againts women issues. In addition, workshops and cinema. Every day during the camp, the young close the road (BR-155) during 21 minutes, in memory of the massacre. In the last day, a political act called “Curve” S ” will be organized.




Cotonou, 16th of April


Activity : The Secretary General of the Synergie Paysanne will be the guest on the news edition on ORTB tv to talk about the events commemorating the 17 April and activities organized this year by SYNPA to celebrate the Day of Peasant Struggle in Benin.

Time : 20hs

Organizer : SYNPA

Cotonou, 17th of April


Activity : Day of dialogue and debate between farmers’ organizations in Benin on the difficulties experienced by small-scale farmers. Press Conference at 15:30

Organizer : SYNPA


UNITED STATES (+ see further)

Vermont, Brattleboro, April 17


Activity : a festive fundraiser for the CABA community farm at SIT, which farm grows food for a low-income farmers market in town but which is unfortunately struggling to survive. An opportunity to talk about Via Campesina’s principles of Food Sovereignty and how this relates to us in Southern Vermont.

Organizer : students at the SIT Graduate Institute in Brattleboro

PAKISTAN (+ see further)

Hyderabad, 17th of April


activity : National Peasants Coalition of Pakistan (NPCP) or Pakistan Kisan Sangat (PKS) is organizing a seminar. At this occasion NPCP/ PKS will launch an OPEN LETTER to political parties and civil society in order to set tune of political agenda in favour of peasants struggle in Pakistan

Venue : Hyderabad Press Club

Time : 11 AM to 4 PM .



Morogoro, April 17


Activity : one-day National Symposium. 90 participants. Among this 70, will be small scale farmers of which 2/3 will be women. Final Statement to oppose the killings of farmers who protect their land.

Organizer : Small-Scale Farmers Networks Groups in Tanzania (MVIWATA)


Antioquia, Medellin, 17th of April


activity : Foro on the permanence of rural communities and strengthening of rural municipalities

Venue: Recinto de la Asamblea Departamental de Antioquia (Alpujarra)

Time : 9:00 am a 1:00 pm

Antioquia, Medellin, 17th of April


Activity : Exchange of seeds as an act of civil disobedience and resistance to government laws and regulations of FTA and attacking the peasant economy. Bring your seeds, slogans, banners and energy! ….

Venue : Plazoleta principal de Centro Administrativo La Alpujarra

Time : from 1pm onwards

Antioquia, Medellin, 12nd to 20th of April

133 :

Activity : various activities and conferences for the defense of life and the peasant economy.

Organizer : organizaciones campesinas, campesinos y campesinas de los cinco corregimientos de Medellín, organizaciones y grupos ecologistas, ambientalistas, de economía solidaria y estudiantiles del Valle de Aburrá, Comité Metropolitano por la Soberanía Alimentaria y la Autonomía, Comité Departamental por la defensa del agua y de la vida.


Dublin, 17th of April


Activity : Sunrise promenade down the South Wall of Dublin Bay. There, we will tip some seed into the Irish Sea in solidarity with others all over the world who care for seed, the land and the sea, in compassion with peasants in struggle, and in fellowship with those who fight for food sovereignty. Seaside picnic breakfast.

Time : starts at 6 am

BELGIUM (+ see further)

Brussels, 17th of April


Activity : More than 50 supermarkets were symbolically closed in support of peasant struggles!

Organizer : Réseau Soutien Agriculture Paysanne

Brussels, 17th of April


Activity : Symbolic action « happening des alternatives »

Venue : Place Flagey

Time 17h30 – Place FLAGEY

Organizer : Réseau Soutien Agriculture Paysanne

Brussels, 17th of April


Activity : launching a parody of the EU Commission’s website marking the 50th anniversary of the Common Agriculture Policy.

Organizer : Réseau Soutien Agriculture Paysanne




Bamako, 17th of April


Activity : interview on land grabbing with Ibrahim Coulibaly on RFI (Radio France Internationale)

Time : 17 h GMT

FRANCE (+ see further)

Paris, 17th of april


Activity : Conference on Land Grabbing with Sophie Chapelle – Bastamag, Christian Roqueirol- Confédération Paysanne, Renée Vellvé – GRAIN

Venue : Espace FIAP Jean Monnet. 30 Rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris. (Métro Glacière, ligne 6, ou Mouton-Duvernet, ligne 4)

Time 20h à 23 h




Montreal, 22th of April


Activity : L’Union Paysanne chose April 22, International Day of the Earth, to mark the International Day of Peasant Struggle. L’Union Paysanne will join the mobilization in Quebec claiming a model of development in harmony with the Earth.

Organizer : Union Paysanne

Contact Karen Rothschild + 1 450 458 2005



Special radio program for April 17 (in Spanish)



St. Petersburg, April 17


Activity : stop falt and land grab. Hunger strike of duped investors who lost our homes because of the criminal conspiracy of officials and corporations. Express their solidarity with peasants and small-scale farmers struggling for their rights, and demand to stop the land grab.

Organizer : under the banner of International Alliance of Inhabitants

INDIA, April 17


Activity : rally with peasants and labourers to pay respect to many of those who have sacrificed their rights in order to protect the dignity of peasant community and to express solidarity with all those who are organizing similar programs in different parts of the world on 17th of April.

Organizer : Jansatyagraha Samvad yatra (formation of many organizations including Ekta Parishad).


FRANCE, April 17


Activity : slide show and special newletter of Frère des Hommes on http://www.fdh.org



activity : translation into hungarian of an article about La Via Campesina and April 17 to raise awaress into Hungary

HONDURAS, 17th of April


Activity : thousands of peasants have occupied more than 12 000 hectares land in different parts of the country in the departments of: Cortés, Yoro,  Santa Bárbara, Intibucá, El Paraíso, Choluteca, Comayagua,  y Francisco Morazán.

Organized by : La Central Nacional de Trabajadores del Campo (CNTC), La Asociación Nacional de Campesinos Hondureños (ANACH), El Consejo para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer Campesina (CODIMCA), La Unión Campesina e Indígena de Honduras (UCIH), La Asociación para el Desarrollo de Honduras (ADROH), El movimiento Unificado  Campesino del Aguan (MUCA), El Movimiento Campesino de San Manuel (MOCSAM) ,El Frente Nacional de Jóvenes Campesinos e Indígenas (FRENAJUC),La Articulación Campesina (ARCA)

GLOBALLY ; April 17


activity : International networks and urban social movements salute peasants’ struggles and express their solidarity in their denunciation and resistance to land grabbing around the world.

Organize : HIC (Habitat International Coalition)

SPAIN (+ see further)


activity : Intersyndical valenciana joins the celebrations of April 17 through the world.


Noumea, April 19


activity: screening of “Un monde à vendre”

venue : at the University of Nouville

Time: 18 pm

Organization: Commission OGM de EPLP: Ensemble pour la Planète http://www.eplp.asso.nc

Contact: fredguerin@hotmail.com


SPAIN (+ see further)

Madrid, 17th of April


activity : With an action in front of the Department of Agriculture, agrarian environmental consumers and cooperation organizations announce the Week of actions for the Food Sovereignty which will take place in the whole State. organizer: Plataforma Rural

Barcelona, 21st of April


Activity : March and bicycle that will depart from Barcelona, to the Lower Llobregat Agricultural Park; agrarian space threatened by Eurovegas project,

organizer : Alianza por la Soberanía Alimentaria de Cataluña (ASAC


Brussels, 21st of April


activity : Debate Food sovereignty in Brussels? A way to reach more social justice in our cities?

Place : salon Valeriane

Time: 10h45 à 13h15


Wutterpal, 17th of April


Activity : Lecture with Gerard Choplin- ECVC, Farming : an European and global issue : Europe without farmers?

Place : Börse, Roter Saal (erster Stock) Wolkenburg 100

Time : 19h30

Organizer : ATTAC Wutterpal



Sofia, April 16 to 22

Activity : “Week of Food sovereignty”. provision of films, lectures, discussions and workshops.

Venue : Fridzh & windlass, Sofia, Madrid 8.

Sofia, April 17


18:30-18:50 Screening of the documentary La Via Campesina in Movement … Food Sovereignty now!)

19:00 to 19:05 “7 Principles of food sovereignty”. Clip outlines

19:10 to 19:15, Lecture “Raj Patel about the meaning of food sovereignty”. Raj Patel is a British scholar, journalist, activist and writer.

19:30 to 20:15 Discussion and presentation of Nyeleni – European Movement for Food Sovereignty.

Sofia, April 17


8:30 p.m. to 9:10 p.m. Premiere of the film “The law of the jungle”, presenting liberal trade and importation of GM feed from South America and Europe in particular – in Bulgaria.
21:20 to 22:00 Discussion

Workshop discussions with the “Campaign for Food Sovereignty in Bulgaria”

Sofia, April 19


11:00 to 16:30 The problems of small and medium farmers in Bulgaria. Problems of consumers. Planning a campaign in defense of small and medium farmers. Farmers consumers face to face : Food cooperatives.

Sofia, April 19


Filmfest “Supermarkets versus Food cooperatives”
“From the garden – in the oven” (De la Mata a la Olla), 2008, directed by Erica Thomas, producer: Xarxa. Story of a food cooperative in Catalonia as a possible alternative.
“Swine Business”.

Sofia, 20-22 April


Workshop “Home composting with worms”. Presentation with discussion ‘food sovereignty “. Screening of the movie “The law of the jungle”

Where: in front of Ivan Vazov National Theatre


Belgrade, April 17


Activity : Protest in front of the Government of Serbia

Time : 2pm

More info http://www.pokret.net


Istambul, April 17


Activity : Nyeleni Europe Food Sovereignty Forum Film Screening and discussion with participant delegates from Turkey. Panel: Producers’ and Consumers’ Cooperatives as Models of Food Sovereignty

Organizers:Farmer Unions Confederation of Turkey (Çiftçi-SEN), Boğaziçi University Consurmers’ Cooperative (BÜKOOP), Tohum İzi (Trace of Seed) Association

Venue : Boğaziçi University South Campus

Time : 13:00-16:00



Madrid, April 18


activity : Lecture with Tom Kucharz (Ecologistas en accion) y Belen Martinez (Aula Rural, Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Threats and opportunities for food sovereignty in the world and Europe. Purchase of land, financial speculation, climate change, CAP, food chain and European sanitary regulations

Madrid, April 17


activity : Lecture on struggles for food sovereignty. Gardens and urban networks

Place : Salón de Actos, Edificio de Alumnos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Ciudad Universitaria)

Time 18-20h

Madrid, April 15


activity : action for Food sovereignty

Venue: Plaza de Tirso de Molina (Rastro)

Time : 12 h

Madrid, April 15


Activity : Lecture : Struggles for Food sovereignty.

Organizer : Ecologist groups, AGIM-COAG, SEO-BIRDLIFE, Ecologistas en accion

Time : 16h

Place : Retiro (Quiosco de la Música)

Madrid, April 13


Activity : Costume party. “How I became after eating GM food”

Time 21h

venue : La Dragona, Marqués de Leganés 12

Organiza : Ecologistas en Acción

Madrid, April 19


activity : Lecture on climate change and local food

Time : 19-21h

Place : Tabacalera (Embajadores 53)

Madrid, April 21


activity : Tasting of local food produced in Madrid

Time 12h

Venue en el Mercado de San Fernando (Embajadores 41)

Madrid, April 22


activity : Parade protest on the occasion of Earth Day on Sunday 22 April, with the slogan “For the environment, climate and social justice.” Route to be confirmed.

Time : 12am


Linz, April 17


activity : Filmfestival about the structural reasons of Hunger with audience discussions.

Vienna, April 17


activity : Land occupation : Come all, bring friends, children, seeds, food, tools … bring ideas, workshops, discussions and make music, theater, juggling and everything else you can think of!!!

Time : from 11:00 on

Place : Gerasdorferstrasse 105, Vienna



San Salvador, April 17


Activity : Salvadoran peasant organizations protestedto demand the Salvadoran government to work towards access to land and respect for their rights.

Organizer : Federación de Cooperativas de la Reforma Agraria Región Central de Responsabilidad Limitada (FECORACEN de R.L.), Consejo Nacional de Trabajadores del Campo (CNTC), Vía Campesina en El Salvador.


Municipio de Anchieta en Santa Catarina, 18 to 20 of April


activity : Nearly 1 500 small-scale farmers from all over Brazil and from others countries worldwide take part to the Third National Training Seminar for Farmers. The seminar is part of the V fest on of native seeds,

Organizer : MPA



Seaton, April 17

activity : The people’s market : local, healthy, organic, sustainable, affordable food

venue : TESCOS carpark

Time : 11 am


Friuli Venezia Giulia, April 17


Activity : Withdrawal of the grabbing of hectares of forest in the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia by Austrian companies that engage in clearcuts


Kinshasa, April 16 and 17


activity : broadcast on national radio on an interview on April 17 day. Broadcast on radio TOP CONGO of an interview on land grabbing, with readden extract from a letter submitted to the authorities to reask for land reform against the Agro Industrial JVL installed since 1923 in Bas Congo


Lahore, 17th of April


Activity : demonstration to reclaim ownership rights to the government

Time : 5:30 pm

venue : in front of the Lahore Press Club, Lahore.

Organizer : Anjuman-e-Muzareen Punjab, Pakistan (AMP) (A Movement of Landless peasants)



Albany, California, 22nd of April


Activity : activists planted a renegade farm on a tract owned by UC Berkeley, which has plans for further housing and commercial development nearby.



Nationwide, 17th of April

Activity: We organized workshops and talks on the 17th of April, for the first time within Angolans farmers.
Organizer: UNAC


Colladère, April 17


activity : more than 1,000 campesinos demonstrated near Hinche in the Central Plateau, to demand agrarian reform and oppose the monopolization of land for biofuel production. The group used the occasion to present what it called “the country’s first ecological village,” which houses 10 families that moved to the countryside after a January 2010 earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince and nearby cities. The homes were built using local materials

Organizer : MPP



Activities : hundred of Land occupation and actions are foreseen.



Activities : hundred of Land occupation are foreseen.



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17 April 2012
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