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International day of farmers’ struggle

17 April 2002

At the moment actions are announced in 29 countries

Continental (the Americas) In Mexico/Honduras/Guatemala/Brasil/El Salvador/Haiti/Republica Dominicana/Paraguay/Colombia/Ecuador/ United States/Canada: 10-17 of april a Continental week against transgenetic maize is organised with various activities with the following central demands: against transgenetic maize, against the dumping, and in favor of correct prices for maize. Information (spanish) http://www.laneta.apc.org/biodiversidad/maiz.html What can you do?: http://www.laneta.apc.org/biodiversidad/documentos/maiz/que.html For mor information also: biodiversidad@laneta.apc.org.

Actions listed per country

Austria Action in front of the Parliament on GMO’s by the alliance of famers and consumers Contact: Elisabeth Baumhöfer -OEBV oebv@eunet.at Tel.:+43-664-2427450 http://www.bergbauern.org (“veranstaltungen”)

Argentina Mocase, Apenoc, Red Puna: actions and rallies contact: Angel Strappazzón sachaioj@arnet.com.ar

Belgium **WERVEL: stand on market in Brussels contact wervel@pi.be tel.: +32-2-203 6029 **FIAN: debate on landreform: contact fian.belgium@skynet.be tel. : +32-2-648 5118 **JNM-youth Agalev: action against GMO’s: contact: janssensliesbeth@hotmail.com **Coordination Belgium-Brazil and other organistaions: Belgo
Brasilian week with an Action before Brasilian Mission towards the EU, debates 15/4 in Louvain-Laneuve, 16/4 in Namur, 18/4 in Gent, 17/4 in Leuven and 13/4+20/4 in Brussels. Contact: Gilberto Ferreira da Costa Gilberto.FC@pandora.be +32-16-35 61 72, gsm: Gilberto +32-475-84 7117 **11.11.11. with FIAN, Via Campesina and others: Visit to Minister Reynders on the 17/4 contact: Johan Cottenie: +32-495-521437 **FUJA-MAP/CPE/Via Campesina, 11.11.11., Comité D.Gillard, Socialisme Sans Frontières, OXFAM Solidarité: Action in Brussels on repression against farm leaders from 12-13h30 at “La Bourse”, Brussels. Contact: Gérard Choplin/Maria Pacheco CPE: +32-2-2173112, Koen Stuyck 11.11.11 +32-2-536 1111, Frédérique Leveque Socialisme Sans Frontières: +32-475 79 38 72, Comite D.Gillard: +32-2-6485118

Belize BAPO: organises information to peasants on GMO’s as well as actions against GMO’s Contact: Rocio Zaiden bapo@btl.net tel:. Tel/Fax: +501. 923672
Bangladesh Bangladesh Krishok Federation: Several events in the different areas on access to land Contact: Badrul Alam badrul_a@hotmail.com

Brazil MST: mobilisations against 6 years of impunity for the massacre in Eldorado de Carajas. Beside landocupations in all the regions and states MST realizes activities for the campaign to limit the ownership of land, maches and public events in the regional capitals. Mobilizations around the 17th of april in Paraiba, Pernambuco, Goias, Alagoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Sao Paulo. Information on actions in other states is not yet available. Contact: MST srimst@uol.com.br Tel. : +55-11-3361-3866 http://www.mst.org.br/

Bolivia CIOEC, FMBS, MST-Bolivia: Meetings, seminars all over the country on 17th of April and the Campaign agaisnt transgenic maize. Contact: cioec@ceibo.entelnet.bo

Brazil MST: mobilisations against 6 years of impunity for the massacre in Eldorado de Carajas. Beside landocupations in all the regions and states MST realizes activities for the campaign to limit the ownership of land, maches and public events in the regional capitals. Mobilizations around the 17th of april in Paraiba, Pernambuco, Goias, Alagoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Sao Paulo. Information on actions in other states is not yet available. Contact: MST srimst@uol.com.br Tel. : +55-11-3361-3866 http://www.mst.org.br/

Canada Union Paysanne: activities on the 4th of may. Contact: maisondu.rendez-vous@sympatico.co NFU-Canada: activity towards the press. Contact NFU: nfu@sk.sympatico.ca Tel : +1-306-6529465 Fax : +1-306-664 6226

Chile Anamuri and others: Marches against GMO’s and junk food. Contact Francisca Rodriguez anamuri@interaccess.cl Tel/fax : +56-6973217
Colombia **ANUC-UR: letter campaign on the Marulanda case and on to denounce massacres to the president Pastrana. Contact: Equipo Internacional ANUC-UR misioncol@skynet.be, +32-2-648 5118 **Workshops on the use of organic maize, debate on transgenetic maize (Bogotá)

Ecuador CLOC-Andina and others in Quito: Andine Forum against FTAA Contact: FENOCIN fenocin@andinanet.net and CONFEUNASSC confeunassc_cnc@yahoo.com http://www.campesinos-fmlgt.org.ec/ http://www.movimientos.org/cloc/

El Salvador Alianza Democratica Campesina: Seminar on landreform. Contact: adc@navegante.com.sv

France Confédération Paysanne: decentralised actions on GMO’s in front of the regional courts of justice and an central action in Paris also in front of the Court of Justice. Contact: Jean Marc Desfilhes jmdesfilhes@confederationpaysanne.fr tel. : +33-5- 6186 1622 http://www.confederationpaysanne.fr/

The Netherlands: **Resistance is fertile: several Actions against GMO’s (also on 17th), public debate on the 17th Contact: fer@aseed.antenna.nl +32-6-521 70 565 www.resistanceisfertile.org **FOEI, HIVOS organise on the 17th a conference ’GMO’s, liability, TRIPS and the struggle for Farmers’ rights; Will Genetically Modified Organisms put multinationals in control of agriculture and biodiversity?’ Contact: Harrie Oppenoorth 070-3765500 or biosafety@foeeurope.org.

Honduras COCOCH/Via Campesina: rally Contact: viacam@gbm.hn tel: +504-235 9915

India – Karnataka KRRS: mass rally on the 17th. Contact Prof Nanjunda Swamy swamy.krrs@vsnl.com Tel/fax: +91.80.330.2171

Indonesia FSPI: pressconference on 17/4, National meeting with other peasant organisations on 19/4, demonstration and actions in the regions on the 22/4. Contact Henry Saragih: petani@indosat.net.id 0062-61-786 4286 (Medan), +62-2183 00553 (Djakarta) FSPI: support action for prisoners in Bantes (see support letter)

Italy Rome: several activities organised by support group to MST Contact: Nicia Nogara Comitê de Apoio MST de Roma mst@quipo.it Information: http://www.citinv.it/associazioni/MST/appuntam.htm Corcevia: decentralized initiatives, debate in Ortona (Abruzzo) “The world is not for sale, land-work and dignity. Contact: Antonio Onorati mc2535@mclink.it 0039-340 82 19 456 (gsm)

Malaysia PAN Asia Pacific is preparing actions

Mexico UNORCA and other organisations: Forum on transgenetic contamination of maize and other activities against the transgenetic contamination of maize. Contact: cejecutiva@unorca.org.mx

Pakistan People’s rights movements: Action in Lahore called Mochi gate (17/4) with farmers, landless tenants from across the country, facing repression from the military. Contact: Aasim Sajjad Akhtar aasim@sdpi.org
Philippines **KMP: mobilisation in front of the Department of Agriculture and the department of Agrarian Reform Contact: kmp@quickweb.com.ph **IRDF and PKMP organise a National Peasant-Legislators-NGO Forum with regard a proposed legislation that seeks to liberalise the importation of rice. Contact: J.Cainglet str2000@hotmail.com

Spain **EHNE, Bask Country: press conference on GMO’s **Plataforma Rural and others: protest against GMO’s/patentes in Madrid 11h00, in front of Ministry of Agriculture and at 14h00 a “popular meal with the group “Bajo el asfalto esta la huerta” (under the asfalt is the garden) also to support the Palestinian case. In Murcia: Debate on the 27/4 parallel to the Council of Ministers Contact Jeronimo Aguado: plataforma-rural@cdrtcampos.es, 00349-79-827248, celular +34-609 47 5897 **Oviedo: meetings 17-20 of april **MRG, Verdes en Alicante: action against GMO’s: www.nodo 50.org/mrg-alacant **Barcelona: action in front of Argentina and Brazil, public debate on the 20/4, contacto: Hector Gravina hgravina@nodo50.org

Switserland Uniterre, Agrigenève, Jardins de Cocagne, Centre Europe Tiers-Monde, Déclaration de Berne, Fédération romande des consommateurs, Syndicat, industrie et bâtiment, Syndicat interprofessionnel des travailleurs organise a press conference on the 18/4 and samples of seeds and foodproducts will be brought for control on GMO contamination to the responsable services. Contact persons Gérard Vuffray Uni-terre, gvuffray@span.ch tel/fax. : +41-21-841 1805
United States FIAN, Via Campesina and others organise in Washington a Seminar on landbank policies Worldbank (+ protest letter Via Campesina+FIAN to be sent out) Contact: via@sdnhon.org.hn or monsalve@fian.org

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17 April 2002
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