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Farmer’s expectations on the World Social Forum

6 February 2011 @ 0 h 00 min - 11 February 2011 @ 0 h 00 min GMT

Invitation for media: Press Conference

Date: 9th of February

Place: Press Conference Room – Bibliothèque Universitaire Central (BU)


Time: 10h00 – 11h00

La Via Campesina, the International Movement of peasants, small- and medium-sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers, invites journalists to attends its press conference at the World Social Forum.

In this press conference, the International Peasants Movement will focus in issues such as the Land grabbing phenomenon in Africa, the violence against peasant women, the promotion of local peasant seed and the struggle against GMO’s.

La Via Campesina will launch at the World Social Forum, together with other movements, a campaign to stop Land grabbing, to mobilize peasants and their communities to say “NO” to Land grabbing and to recuperate land for the peasants who work on it.

La Via Campesina will also launch in Africa its campaign to stop violence against women.

In the press conference La Via Campesina will inform journalists about its expectations regarding this World Social Forum.



La Via Campesina leaders (2 members of International Coordination Committee) :

Fatimatou Djibo – Plateforme Paysanne du Niger (PFPN)

Ibrahim Coulibaly – Coordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes du Mali (CNOP)

Ndiakhate Fall – Conseil National de Concertation et de Cooperation des Ruraux du Senegal

Contact for press:

Boaventura Monjane – +221773942234
E-mail: <boa.monjane@viacampesina.org

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Lamine Coulibaly – téléphone: +221773942235

E-mail: <laminezie@gmail.com>



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6 February 2011 @ 0 h 00 min GMT
11 February 2011 @ 0 h 00 min GMT
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