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100 actions in the world for the 17th of April

17 April 2009

Click here to see the full list 17th April 2009: International Day of Peasant Struggle
List of activities around the world

1. France, Toulouse
The rural collectives – GMOs and “Sowing Biodiversity” are organizing general meetings on the issue: GMOs, Biodiversity Alternatives and Resistance” on the 18th and 19th April in Toulouse.
More information: http://www.ogm31.org
Signatories to date:
ATTAC – Collectif 66 sans OGM – Friends of the Earth – Semeurs de Biodiversité 34 – Confédération Paysanne – Edmonds Institute (USA) – Ecobâtir – Action Consommation – collectifantiogm09 – Réseaux Citoyens de Saint-Etienne – Transp’ART en CE – zerogm42 – FNAB – Nature et Progrès – Amis de la Conf’ – Collectif 34 sans OGM – Centre Info Environnement – Adéquations – Collectif Vosges Terre sans OGM – collectif anti-OGM31 – Faucheurs Volontaires – Greenpeace – Collectif 28 sans OGM – Vigilance OGM 81 – Conf 83 – Conf 81 – Réseau Semences Paysannes
Contact: Michel DUPONT: 01 43 62 18 73, semonslabiodiversite@semonslabiodiversite.org
Informacion: www.semonslabiodiversite.org

2. France, Lille
17th April is the global day of peasant struggle and Europe Ecologie is prganising a vigil dedicated to Food Sovereignty, short circuits and peasant struggles.
With François Dufour, farmer, 2nd on the “Europe Ecologie” list
It will take place in Courmont Room in Moulins, from  7pm to 9pm
Contact: Julien Lecaille (julien.lecaille@gmail.com)

3-4. Belgium, Brussels – Liege
Reclaim the Fields, Belgium, brings together the people who want to set up in the countryside and work on peasant agriculture and the young people who defend food sovereignty and the right to access to land for all.
The 17th and 18th April,  Reclaim the Fields, Belgium will join the International Day of Peasant Struggle called by Via Campesina.
The Programme Includes:
Friday 17th April, Brussel: street-theatre action. Meet 12 noon, Rue aux Choux (in Martyrs Square, near to Rue du Persil) – If you want to participate in the theatre, please let us know in advanvce.
Friday 17th April, Liege, at 6pm: Festive gathering about a future collective allotment with concerts and debates, in the Chauve-Souris Squat Social Centre, 62 rue de la Chauve-Souris, 4000 Liege.
Saturday 18 April: Breakfast and preparation work for cultivatin the future collective allotment of the Chauve-Souris.

Bring your poems and songs your tent if you want to sleep on site, your artistic creations, vegetables and good bread for the soup, your ideas, your seeds, tools to work the land and your friends so we can express our love for the Earth together!

Contact: 17avrilbelgique@reclaimthefields.org
See flyer: http://reclaimthefields.org/fr/content/17-18-avril-journ%C3%A9es-internationales-des-luttes-paysannes

5. USA, Chicago
April 17th, the International Day of Peasant’s Struggle is close approaching and we invite you to make it a day to remember.

Members of the National Family Farm Coalition, member of La Via Campesina, and their allies will take to the streets below the Chicago Mercantile Exchange at 11am on April 17th to protest the violations of the rights of peasants due to the dramatically increasing liberalization of the world’s food system.

We will hold a street theater and a press conference on April 17th at 11am. The street theatre will illustrate that vultures, such as ADM and Cargil, are dishing out bad eggs stinking of speculation, aquabusiness, fisheries privatization, GMOs, agri-fuels, fish farms, worker exploitation, The Wall of Shame, and the list goes on. In response, family farmers arrive to offer healthy food to the hungry people with empty plates.

Contacts: Jessca Roe at jroe@nffc.net.

6. USA, Syracuse
April 17th, Thornden park Ampitheater, 4:00-7:00pm Native Edible Perennial Planting
Come to the second annual planting for the international day of peasant’s struggle.  Together we can create a different world, where food (and everything we need) is so abundant that none will be controlled by enforced scarcity.  The seeds of this world will be planted and the park turned into a garden of Eden, bit by bit.
Come, learn about the forces that would control us: the IMF, World Bank, WTO, Monsanto, and others.  Hear about their latest diabolical plans while your channel your anger into the construction of a food forest.
Hear about the brave warriors of Via Campesina, stalking the oppressors around the world, seizing land, and taking back the basic rights that we need to be free: land, water, seeds.
Spread the word, bring friends, tools, and native perrenial edibles to plant.
Contact person : Seth Rutledge (sniffingratty@yahoo.com)

7. Spanish State – Cacabelos, León,
From the “la Olla del Bierzo” Association of Organic Agriculture, we are delighted to be able to share with you all another year of celebrating the  International Day of Peasant’s Struggle, on 19th April 2009 in the Market (Mercado de Abastos de Cacabelos) El Bierzo. The activities that will take place throughout the day are listed below:
Reading of the VIA CAMPESINA comunique, Round table conferences led by Pablo, Velázquez Díaz, “The extinction of peasant culture in Central America” and Ana Bodelón González “Experience in Petén, Guatemala” and Laughter Therapy workshop (pre-inscription necessary*)
At the same time there will be: Market, Organic products, crafts, agricultural material, second hand goods etc.
Tasting organic foods, organised by members of the association, games and workshops for children, live music and much much more.
* To sign up for the Laughter Therapy workshop:
From 12 April by e-mail: anaroust@gmail.com; luisa.fernandez@telefonica.net
A unique opportunity to enjoy and share so many good things together.

8.    Spanish State
Food Sovereignty and responsible agro-ecological consumption. BAN GMOs!
Link to the 7th presentation of the Campaign: GEA (Group of Agro-ecological Studies)

9. Spanish State, Madrid
Day of Conferences: “Peasant Farmers Movements and Agrarian Transformations”, 16th April 2009, Universidad complutense, Madrid,
Faculty of Political Science and Sociology.
Contacts: Breno Bringel (brenobringel@hotmail.com), Jon Sanz (jsanzlan@quim.ucm.es)

10 – 22. Spanish State: Zaragoza, Galicia, Mallorca, Basque Country… (13 actions)
I don’t want GMOs: Demonstration  18th April in Zaragoza
Demonstration for Food and Agriculture Free from GMOs
And various events in different places. For more information see http://noquierotransgenicos.wordpress.com/

23. Spanish State, Madrid
EN FE 10 – 8pm – Movie Projection – L@S SIN TIERRA (The Landless). Documentary Year: 2003 Duration: 72 min. aprox. Director: Miguel Barros. Portuguese with subtitles in Spanish

9pm – Concert – “Buenas Noches”. From Seville – Music, Tapas and good times
Organised by Diagonal, Grupo DBL (DesBioLogico) and SASCarabanchel/Lavapies  (Surco a Surco)
Contact person : Samuel Galvez ( reinventandolarueda@yahoo.es)

24. Uruguay
The Struggle for Land Movement of Uruguay is joining the celebration of the  International Day of Peasant’s Struggle  this coming 17th April, with a series of activities that also commemorate 20 years since the disappearance (on 28th April) of the founder of this organisation, peasant farmers leader and comrade, Raúl Sendic Antonaccio.
Contact: W. Sawchuk ( mporlatierra@adinet.com.uy)

25. Camerún
«Everyone ‘’STAND UP’’ for the recognition of Peasant Farmer’s Rights»
This coming 17th April 2009, We, men and women, farmers of the world, members of La Vía Campesina, together with our allies and friends, will mobilise across the globe for the 13th celebration of the  International Day of Peasant’s Struggle. The National President of CORDAP, our comrade in struggle Pascal NKWE MAKONGO, will hold a mini-press conference at the headquarters of the organisation: Rue Jean Mermoz, Yaoundé, on the issue:

‘’Land Summit RIO+10, 17 years on: what land and agriculture policies do we have at our disposal in Cameroon as real alternatives to the current crises and in favour of Food Sovereignty for the People”?

Contacto: Pascal Nkwe Makongo; E-mail : cordap_plus@yahoo.fr

26-28. Switzerland, Geneva, Jura, Neuchâtel
The activities will take place jointly in the three cantons, Geneva, Jura and Neuchatêl, between the regional sections of  Uniterre and the local and contractual agriculture initiatives.
To reach food sovereignty:
– Breaking the taboo; good prices for producers and consumers
– Recapitalization of the UBS? How to protect agricultural raw materials and land from speculation?
–  Let’s “Re-bottle” our guerkins
Contact: Geneva – Rudi Berli: 078 707 78 83,
Neuchâtel – Lopin bleu, Josy Taramarcaz, 079 347 47 69 y Philippe Reichenbach, 079 640 89 63
Jura – Paul Sautebin 032 751 26 61, Christian Nappez, 032  475 71 45
Longo-Maï: information and support for the case against a mega-pig farm in the North of Germany, fed by Latin America.

29-44. Bangladesh (16 action)
Bangladesh Sramajibi Kendra (BSK) has taken initiatives to observe the 17th of April as the “International day of Peasant’s Struggles”. On the 17th April 1996, 19 landless peasants were killed in Brazil. As protest against it, La via Campesina has taken step to observe the day as the “International day of Peasant’s Struggles” throughout the world. Our programme is a sequence of it. Our programmes taken on this occasion are as follows:
Discussion in the head office at 10.00 a.m
30 Upazilla committees have arranged discussion in the local level. They are as follows:

  1. Dhaka: Keraniganj and   Dhamrai
  2. Manikganj: Manikganj Sadar
  3. Gazipur: Gazipur Sadar, Jojdevpur, Sripur, Kaliakair
  4. Tangail: Mirzapur
  5. Mymensingh: Fulbaria, Trisal, Muktagacha
  6. Gopalganj: Kotwalipara and Tungipara
  7. Barisal: Agailjhara, Gournadi, Uzirpur
  8. Gaibandha, Gaibandha Sadar,  Palashbari
  9. Narshingdi: Shibpur, Palash, Manohardi
  10. Chittagong: Sitakunda, Mirsharai
  11. Khagrachari: Khagrachari
  12. Dinajpur: Birganj
  13. Rangpur: Gangachara
  14. Patuakhali: Galachipa
  15. Munshiganj: Mawa and Lohajang
  16. Narayanganj: Sonargaon

Contact: Nurul Anowar(sramajibi@gmail.com)

45. Bangladesh
Bangladesh Krishok Federation, Bangladesh Kishani Sabha and Bangladesh Adivasi Samity are going to hold rallies and processions in celebration of International Day of Peasant Struggle at different places in the country on 17 April.
In Bangladesh at the initiative of 3-member organizations of La Via Campesina the day will be observed in Narayangonj, Barisal, Patuakhali and Kurigram districts.
Contact: Badrul Alam <gip@dhaka.net>

46. Mali
Debate on the Charter of Peasant Rights.
In honour of the International Day of Peasant Struggle , the National Coordination of Peasant Farmer Organisations will organise a conference/debate on the Charter of Peasant Rights.
contact:  cnop-infos@cnop-mali.org

47-53. Argentina: Buenos Aires, Santiago del Estero, Mendoza, San Juan, Salta, Córdoba, Jujuy (7 actions)

MOCASE-VC member of La Vía Campesina, will take action to spread information about the land problems facing many indigenous communities, as well as spreading our proposals for solving these problems.

In terms of communication, MOCASE-VC has progressed in the installation of FM community radios.
Therefore, on 17th  April in the city of Pinto, 270 km South of Santiago Capital, the fourth transmitter will be inaugurated, FM Inti and the Central Community Butchers.
Contact person: Angel (sachayoj@gmail.com)

54. Timor Leste
Hasatil Timor Leste will making activity relation April 17, talk show in TV representative HASATIL with Timor leste national Parliament , and government Timor Leste, in morning also we making podium discussion in Hasatil
Contact Person : Arsenio Pereira Da Silva (arsen_ctl@yahoo.com.au)

55. Mexico
To commemorate the  International Day of Peasant Struggle in the Mexican State of San Luis Potosí, we will organise a Forum of Denunciation and Reflection on  Peasant’s Rights. It will take place in the Coordination of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University. The action will take place on Thursday 23rd April. We will hear testimonies from various peasant farmer communities of the Altiplano potosino who are suffering dispossesions, harrassment and repression, and there will also be participation of local human rights and popular education organisations, and intellectuals.

Gerardo López Amaro (axolotl84@yahoo.fr)

56-64. Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul, Pernambuco, Mato Grosso, Pará, Distrito Federal, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Sao Paolo (9 actions)
The MST’s priority in Brazil, is taking land estates in all the provinces where they are organised. The MST will also organise solidarity activities for the 25 years. They will also bring to justice  and sentence of those responsible for the Eldorado de Carajás masacre.

65. Canada/Colombia
Campaugn: 21 days to stop the Free Trade Agreement between Canada y Colombia.
Organised by SOS Colombia, Canada.
More information: http://cdhal.org/fr/campagnes/sos-colombie-contre-laccord-de-libre-echange-canadacolombie

66. Indonesia, Jakarta
At national level the Indonesia Peasant Union (SPI) plan to hold a Public Discussion on Upholding Food Sovereignty and Implementation of The Rights of Peasants.
When: Wednesday, 22 April 2009, 10.00 AM – 04.00 PM
Where:  YTKI building, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta

Why/Background: The event is hold as part of the commemoration for the International Day for Peasant Struggle on 17th April and National Day of Peasant Rights on 20th of April. As an agrarian country with half the population working in the agricultural sector the peasants in Indonesia still suffer from so many agrarian conflicts. For instance in 2008, 63 agrarian conflicts happened and 6 peasants died in those conflicts. Peasants are the first one to suffer from the food crisis. That is why SPI would like to open a discussion with the Government of Indonesia, academicians and our allies from other social movements to establish national and local strategies and to strenghtening our alternatives to up hold food sovereignty and protect the rights of peasants to answer the food crisis.

67. Indonesia, North Sumatra
Serikat Petani Indonesia will also organise a rally on Apr 23 in order to recognising the struggle of peasants in Deli Serdang regent, North Sumatera. This occasion will coincide with the release of three peasants who were criminalised in their struggle to defend their land from PTPN IV Kebun Adoline, a state-owned plantation company.
Contact: <m.ikhwan@spi.or.id>

68. Norvège
En Norvège NBS (membre de Via Campesina) a écrit une lettre au gouvernement pour protester contre le fait que l’élevage norvégien se base de plus en plus sur des concentrés importées. Nous demandons un plan pour réduire ces importartions, et une politique agricole norvégienne qui stimule l’utilisations d’herbe et de paturage de montagne et de forêt dans l’élevage. Nous avons demandondé à plusieurs autres associations de signer la lettre, qui sera publiée le 17 avril.

69. Bolivia, La paz
El movimiento de los trabajadores sin tierra de Boliva se suma a la Via Campesina por la protesta en contra de los empresarios que solo quieren plata y no quieren a nuestro hogar que es la planeta tierra busquemos juntos unidos el bien estar de la humanidad en conjunto. (proyectaremos la pelicula tupa amaru el 17 de abril en el Alto de La Paz).
Contact Person : severino colque <severinocolque@hotmail.com>

70-72. Honduras, Dp Franciso Morazan, Dpt Comayagua, Dpt Cortés
la Central Nacional de Trabajadores del Campo (CNTC), afiliada al COCOCH realizará el dia viernes 17 de abril, 3 tomas de tierra en tres departamentos.
Asimismo el Consejo para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer Campesina (CODIMCA), ellas están realizando un taller sobre el Derecho de las Mujeres Rurales sobre el Acceso a la Tierra del cual saldrá una declaración publica.

73. Belgium
FIAN Belgium a publié un communiqué de presse de soutien à l’appel de Via Campesina à une Convention des droits des paysans, et demande à toutes les personnes concernées de s’unir à cette cause en ce vendredi 17 avril en demandant à leurs gouvernements respectifs d’améliorer la protection des droits humains des paysans, et de soutenir les droits des paysans au Conseil des Droits de l’Homme des Nations Unies.

74. República Dominicana
La Articulación Nacional de Campesinos y Campesinas se unen al día de las luchas campesinas en el mundo y mandan al Gobierno Domincano y las Instituciones del sector Agropecuario  que inician — @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } –un proceso de recuperación del sector agropecuario, y la aplicación de una Verdadera Reforma agraria integral, Justa y equitativa. (Ver el comunicado y la otras demandas en www.viacampesina.org)
Contacto: articulación5@yahoo.es

75. Philipppines
On April 13, 14, 15 PARAGOS marched to showed our strength and solidarity in pushing for the passage of the extension of
an agrarian reform law, the only law which the farmer can legally stand on
Contact person: Ms Elvira Baladad Phone +63 9177636092 email: dkmp_paragos@yahoo.com

76. South Korea
To celebrate International Peasant Day and make commitment to struggle for food sovereignty, KWPA, Korea, with Via Campesina will hold the press conference and as the campaign of “To protect and preserve the native seed” distribute a young plant raised from a native pepper seed at the center of Seoul.
Contact Person: Kim Hyesook (rupina72@gmail.com)

77. Congo, Nkolo
Pour la journée du 17 , deux émissions de 45 minutes  passerons sur la radio nationale , le vendredi 17 avril : de 21h à 21h45  BATIR ENSEMBLE  de la tranche radio rurale et de 23 h à 23h 45 HORIZON DEVELOPPEMENT , une tranche consacrée au 0ng  .  Ces deux émissions seront rediffusées  le lundi 20  avril à 05h30 , 16h et 21h

A  NKOLO , dans la province du bas- congo , sera organisé une rencontre paysanne, de 17h à 19h30;  où le théme sera  ” la réforme agraire dans le territoire de mbanza ngungu  , une urgence pour développement et la libération des paysans et paysannes” ; il sera remis à l autorité coutumiére , une lettre sur la reforme agraire , à transmettre aux autorité politiques et administratives.
La radio rurale : radio NTEMO  sera conviée à l activité
NB : dans le territoire de MBANZA NGUNGU , province du BAS CONGO  , se trouve deux grandes entreprises agricoles (compagnie JVL ” élevage” et la suciére de kuilu ngongo ) qui ont confisquées les terres dépuis 1923 . elles ont plus de cent milles hectares . ces deux entreprises poursuivent leur colonisation pendant que les paysans manquent des terres . Aujourd hui ; elles experimentent le JATROPHA pour les agrocarburants , pendant que sucriére travaille aussi sur l éthanol.
victor nzuzi <victor_nzuzi2000@yahoo.fr>

78. Austria:
17/04: Supermarket Action Day: decentralised actions all day long organised by ÖBV and AgrarAttac Austria

79.  France:
*Paris – 18-19/04 : International Forum on access to land, organised by Confédération Paysanne and Peuples Solidaires

80. Germany:
Mecklenburg-Vorpommen 17-18/06: symbolic land occupation and march against planned industrial pork exploitation, organised by AbL and many other organisations.

81. Italy:
* Treviso – 18/04 : G14 Parallel events and actions : Seminar, Press conference, peasant market in Treviso

82. Spanish state – Sevilla
Sevilla – 17-18-19/04: “ Defending our rights is not a crime”, assembly against the repression  of social and union action and for freedom; Organised by SOC amongst others

83. Spanish state – Bilbao
7/04: “Women feed the world” the role of women in applying food sovereignty in practice. This event, to raise the visibility of Rural Women is organised by Ehne, Herriarte in coordination with womens groups of La Via Campesina and World March of Women  

84. Turkey:
Istanbul – 17/04: Submisson of the Declaration of the Peasants’ Rights to the Human Rights Commission of the National Assembly panel under the title of “Peasants’ Rights: Peasants’ Access to Land, Water and Seeds”, lectures on food sovereignty, variety of open-air activities such as artistic installations, book stands,… Organised by Çiftçi-Sen and faculty of Social Science Student Club of Bogazici University.

85-95. Mozambique, 11 provinices
For  17 th of April, the National Union Of the Peasants will make debates and manifestations on the rights of the peasants in the 11 Provincies.
In the district of Boane, we will make activities, such as:
– Delivery of a petition to the local government, on the rights of the peasants.
– debate on land usurpation
– Collective Work in the Bosque, that was implanted during the V Conference of La Via Campesina.
Contacts : Luís Muchanga (lmuchanga@gmail.com), Mario Carneiro  (mario3380@gmail.com)www.unac.org.mz

 96-97: Honduras
La Asociaciòn Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas de Honduras (ANACH), afiliada al COCOCH estará realizando dos tomas de tierra en:
1. Minas, El Progreso, Yoro con 50 (hombres y mujeres)
2. Olanchito, Yoro, Grupo Campesino Bendición de Dios

Contact: viacampesina@amnettgu.com

98: Gutemala
Con una Ceremonia Maya realizada la madrugada de este miércoles, el Comité de Unidad Campesina CUC, organización miembro de La Vía Campesina inició actividades en conmemoración de sus 31 años de lucha.Durante El Consejo de Sabiduría e Ideas se discutirán temas de coyuntura nacional así como áreas internas de la organización el  mismo culminará el 17 de abril.

Contacto: viacampesinaguatemala@gmail.com

99.  Guatemala
La comunidad Plan de Arena, Tumbador San Marcos publico un comunicado por su octavo aniversario de la entrega formal y legal de la finca El Tablero y celebrar el día internacional  de la lucha Campesina, dicha actividad se realizará  con actos culturales a partir de la 13:00 p.m. lugar frente a la municipalidad de Tumbador San Marcos, fecha 17 de abril del presente año.

Contacto: viacampesinaguatemala@gmail.com

100. Uruguay
REDES-Amigos dela Tierra Uruguay publico un comunicado por la conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Lucha Campesina. Este viernes REDES – Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay se hará presente en la explanada de la Universidad de la República a partir de las 17 horas, en el marco de la celebración del “Tocó Venir” que recibe a la generación de estudiantes 2009, para conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Lucha Campesina. La organización ambientalista expondrá audiovisuales y publicaciones sobre la lucha de los pobladores del campo de nuestro país.

Contacto: jelosegui@gmail.com

101. Costa Rica, Guanacaste
Desde Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, provincia al norte en Costa Rica, Centroamérica, nos unimos con la Fiesta del Sol en la lucha para promover la utilización de la energía más limpia y no acaparada: la energía solar. omidas orgánicas cocinadas con el sol, un Santuario de Semillas Criollas, música, artesanías y el homenaje a nuestros ancestros Chorotegas durante los días 17 y 18 de abril en la Casa del Sol. Nos unimos en la lucha por la soberanía alimentaria y los derechos a la salud y la Vida de las personas y del ambiente.

Contacto Juan Arriaga Mora: <solverdecoop@gmail.com>
Cooperativa autogestionaria para la promoción de energías saludables R.L.

102. Costa Rica
Foro Mujeres y Lucha Campesina en celebración del Día Internacional de la Lucha Campesina – Miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009

La Red de Mujeres Rurales, con el apoyo de la Fundación Friedrich Ebert  y la Cátedra de Desarrollo Rural de la Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional estamos organizando un Foro bajo el lema “Mujeres y Lucha Campesina” en celebración del Día Internacional de la Lucha Campesina, el próximo 17 de abril, de 8:30a.m. a 12md. en el auditorio Clodomiro Picado de la Universidad Nacional.
El objetivo del Foro es que varias representantes de la Red de Mujeres Rurales expongamos nuestras valoraciones como mujeres campesinas sobre  las problemáticas que aquejan a nuestras comunidades o regiones.

Cómo viven, perciben y enfrentan los desafíos del campo costarricense las mujeres rurales, desde las distintas situaciones, serán los temas del Foro. Los temas a exponerse son el resultado de procesos locales y nacionales de discusión que hemos tenido las mujeres del campo donde hemos establecido nuestras prioridades de trabajo

Contacto: Roger Chaves <chaves.roger@gmail.com>

103. Costa Rica
Conversatorio resistencia a los transgénicos en Francia
Experiencias de resistencia de la sociedad civil a la propagación de los cultivos genéticamente alterados (transgénicos) en Francia
Con  Frédéric Prat  Ingénieur agronome  Agriculture et environnement  Geyser (asociación francesa)http://www.geyser.asso.fr/spip.php?page=sommaire
Día y hora: este sábado 18 de abril a las 10 am.FECON
Invitan: Red de Consumo Alternativo, Geyser, Red de Coordinación en Biodiversidad (RCB), Fecon y Área de Agricultura y Ambiente (AAA) del Centro de Educación Ambiental (CEA) de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED).

Contacto:Chaves <chaves.roger@gmail.com>

104-106. Estado Español: Asturias
16 de abril, Navia, Charla- debate: Cooperativas agroecológicas, una propuesta de soberanía alimentaria
17 de abril, Uviéu, Concentración: Por la Soberaníaalimentaria
18 de abril, La Calzada,Taller: La ruleta del consumo Para cerrar las actividades se organizará una comida popular.

Organiza: Campaña asturiana Agrocombustibles Non (rabicu@nodo50.org)

107-108. Australia, Melbourne-City
April 18-19: Workshops and Satll at Melbourne Social Forum, at Ceres more info at www.melbournesocialforum.org
April 27: Colombia Forum ,Campaign Launch “Campaign launch in support and Solidarity with Indigenous peoples, Political prisoners, Trade union movement and against the Multinationals corporation take-over (intervention) in Colombia”
Speakers, Video Conference link directly with ONIC (indigenous national organsation) and Sinaltarinal (Colombia food union)
Thursday April 23, 7:00 PM, Unitig Church,

And more actions on www.melbournesocialforum.org
Contacts: lasnet@latinlasnet.org,

109. Argentina, Córdoba
Proyección de un documental sobre los cocaleros del Chapare y , simplemente, unas palabras para conmemorar ese día.
Viernes 17 de abril de 2009 / 20hs.
Organizan: Programa de Estudios Socio-antropológicos Agrarios – entro de Estudios Avanzados / UNC
Doctorado en Estudios Sociales Agrarios – entro de Estudios Avanzados / Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias

110. Puerto Rico

The different activities are being held by different organizations throughout the island which include:
SOCLA (Sociedad Cientifica Latinoamericana de Agroecologia) Capitulo Puerto Rico, SembrArtePT, el Frente Socialista (FS) de PR, la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Utuado-Colegio Regional de la Montaña (CoRMo), Agricultores Unidos del Centro (AUC), y Casa Pueblo-Adjuntas
From 9-11am on the 17th UPR-Utuado (2nd Floor of Library, please note, NOT in El Bohio as the flyer states)
There will be a conference on Agroecosystems whose theme is the importance of farmers as the central axis of our ecosystems.
The conference will showcase local farmers, experts in fair and organic production, a video on food sovereignty in Puerto Rico, and will kick off with a history/explanation of the day of peasant struggle.
More informations on www.pragroecologico.info

112-119. Germany (8 actions)
Program “Save life in the countryside/ against the global industrial agriculture system”

1. 17th of April, 1 pm: We from the „Action Network on Global Agriculture” will do a symbolic land occupation on the planned construction side of a piglet-production-factory. With the slogan: here slurry and there hunger – save life in the countryside! – we protest against the uprooting and displacement of people all over the world cause of the global, industrial agricultural system and for food sovereignty. On the 18th we participate in the programs of a local citizens group – a protest march, a manifestation and a celebration in the village. More information www.globale-landwirtschaft.net. Contact: globale-landwirtschaft@so36.net; phone 0049 (0)160- 91543155

2. 17th of April, 10 am: The NGO FIAN protest in front of the embassy of Paraguay for: Land to life – agrarian reform in Paraguay!

3. 17th of April, 11. am: The groups Nandu and attac protest in front of the office of the chancellery: „displacement for animal fodder? – and demand: Stop the construction of piglet factories and mast!

4. 7th of April, 8.p: Information evening with the title: the landless movement MST, president Lula and the agro business. See www.vivoartspace.com

5. 18th of April:  pm: The local citizen group “Leben am Tollensetal” calls for a march to the village  Alt Tellin from different starting points with the slogan: Save life in the countryside!, afterwards manifestation and celebration in the village.

Program against GMOs

6. 17th to 19th: Action weekend with an announced occupation against the GMO garten in Üplingen (Sachsen Anhalt)

7. 17th and 18th: Protests in front of the seed company KWS in Einbeck with bicycle caravans and marches.

8. 8th and 19th: Seed-exchange-market in Kitzingen (closed to Würzburg) with public sowing on a proposed GMO- maize- field.

120. Argentina, Buenos Aires

Mural realisado por el grupo Mercedes Ambiental: http://www.mercedesambiental.com.ar/090417mural.htm

121. The Netherlands

Action against an industrial pig farm: http://www.aseed.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=681&Itemid=1

122. Venezuela: Urachiche

La cita en Urachiche reunió a dirigentes del Comando Regional Agrícola Unificado (CRAU), movimientos como el Frente Campesino Jirajara y campesinos del municipio. Allí aprovecharon la ocasión de reafirmar el compromiso de luchar cada día por reivindicar la figura de los hombres y mujeres del campo, que pese a entregar sus vidas al desarrollo agroalimentario del país, sufren en carne propia el ensañamiento de latifundistas que son capaces de todo con tal de no perder sus privilegios.

123. Honduras

Comunicado de CODIMCA, Nosotras las más de 8,000 mujeres afiliadas al  Consejo para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer Campesina, CODIMCA, en el marco del día internacional de la Lucha Campesina por la Tierra nos pronunciamos de la siguiente manera… (ver www.viacampesina.org)

124. Pakistan
Anjuman-e-Muzareen, Punjab Pakistan (AMP) organized a demonstration on “International Peasants Day” on Friday, the 17th of April 2009, in front of Lahore Press Club, Lahore.
Its purpose is to have ownership rights who have been tilling almost a century. In this protest, the peasants reminded, Pakistan People Party (PPP) and Muslim League (N) who had promised to give this land to the tenants when they will come into power.  Now, both are in power but they did not fulfill their promises. They also demanded to put an end all fake cases against the leaders of AMP. There were hundreds of peasants representatives including women, students, political leaders and social activists came from various districts of the Punjab. They were carrying placards, red flags and banners scribed with slogans against the government. The slogans: as “Ownership or Death”, “This land is ours”, “Fulfill your Promises”.
The leaders of AMP “Younis Iqbal (Quaid-i- Tehrek AMP), Malik Abbas Khokar (ex- MP) Abdul Rehman (President AMP Depalpur, Okara), David Rehmat (Secretary General, Okara and Information Secretary, Punjab), Ch. Muhammad Arif (Chairman AMP)”, Ms. Sajida Raza addressed during the demonstration. They also warned the government that if they will not fulfill their promises then they will sit on hunger strike in front of Parliament House and Supreme Court. At the end, the peasants appeal to the UNO, Amnesty International, EU, Civil Society Organizations, Peasants and Social Movements, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) and Left Parties to have support in this struggle.
E-Mail: amp_pk2003@yahoo.com

125. Sweden

Os Amigos de MST Sécia –Hoje fizemos uma manifestação  em Estocolmo. Contra a presença da stora enso o brasil.
Vendemos uma caixa com areia para mostrar o futuro de Brasil, caso Stora nso matem o seu trabalho. Tambem entragamos 135 cartas de protesto contra  atuação da empresa. Tambem divulgamos a pesquisa de CEPEDES sobre Veracel  tentamos de falar sobre a ocupação de MST no extremo Sul de Bahia da uma azenda de Stora. Estavamos entre 30 e 40 pessoas  brigadistas solidarios, divulgando as

126. Scotland

The Scottish Crofting Foundation (SCF) published a release to support the celebration day (available on www.viacampesina.org)

127. Estado Español, Córdoba

El Groupo Apoyo al MST  organiza varias proyecciones y música en Córdoba.

128. Germany, Munich

Munich, 15 April. – Over a thousand farmers from ABL (Via Campesina member) joined by environment and development-aid organi­sa­tions today demonstrated against patents on animals and plants in Munich. Over 5,000 people and some 50 organisations have filed a joint opposition to a patent on breeding pigs originally registered by the US agricultural corporation, Monsanto.

129. Paraguay

Comunicado de la  Mesa Coordinadora Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas.

130. Portugal


131. Japan

Nouminren, the Via Campesina member in Japan, NOUMINREN, had a campaign for the International Day of Peasant’s Struggle from April 15th to the 17th. The focus of the campaign was to demand a retraction of the bill of reforming Agricultural Land Act.
The intention of this bill is to destroy all the success made by current Agricultural Land Reform after the end of World War II.


132. République Démocratique du Congo

Plus de 700 paysans et paysannes à bandeau vert à la tête ont repondu présent à la cérémonie de la célébration de la journée internationale de la lutte paysanne à Kinshasa,Capitale de la RDC. Ces paysans et paysannes sont venus de 452 organisations paysannes et de producteurs agricoles réunies membres de la Confédération Paysanne du Congo COPACO-PRP en sigle.

133. PHilippines

On April 13, 14, 15 PARAGOS marched to showed our strength and solidarity in pushing for the passage of the extension of
an agrarian reform law, the only law which the farmer can legally stand on
Contact person: Ms Elvira Baladad Phone +63 9177636092 email: dkmp_paragos@yahoo.com

134. Brazil

Semana Nacional em Defesa da Reforma Agrária e Justiça no Campo


17 April 2009
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