The European Coordination Via campesina supports Sindicato de Obreros del Campo (SOC) and its spokesperson Diego Cañamero, in the lawsuit that oppose them to one of the biggest land owners in Andalucia.The criminalization of migrant workers who struggle for their rights is not acceptable.
The European Coordination Via Campesina defends the rights of small farmers and agricultural workers, men and women, against discriminatory treatments and slavery.
The European Coordination Via Campesina supports all the persons ecxluded from land and those who want to have access to it in Indonesia, in India, in Brasil but also in Europe, indepent from their statute.
The distribution and the access to land as well as a territorial distribution of people, with enough and qualitative access to natural resources is the only way to obtain a world in peace.
The European Coordination via Campesina supports the oppressed in the whole world, its support to the leaders of the SOC, against the big land owners was largely approved during the constituyent general assembly in Madrid.
Agricultural policies have to change to stop benefiting to the biggest land owners at the expense of small farmers and agricultural workers.
In order to keep sustainable family farming lively and to have workers rights respected, we demand a better sharing of public aids as well as of agrarian resources, specifically land.
René Louail : 0033672848792