Resolution adopted on June 12, 2013 by VI International Conference of la Via Campesina and proposed by the Working Group on Migrations and Climate
(Jakarta, June 12, 2013) The new expressions of the capitalism through the promotion of the green economy and development, and the acceleration of climate chaos is causing the exacerbation of migration, already resulting in ¼ of the involuntary global migration estimated at 210 million people. The impending food and water crises, a direct result of the climate crisis, will in turn cause even more widespread community displacement and forced internal migration.
We declare it is urgent to push for an immigration policy in the U.S. and everywhere else, that begins by repealing criminalization practices including border militarization, detentions, deportations etc., and include legalization and equal protection of all immigrants as well as address the future flows of migrants who have been displaced for whatever reason. We denounce the proliferation of anti-immigrant laws and the systemic racism they perpetuate.
We must shift the global policy trend around the “Managed Migration” framework, especially those espoused by the Global Forum on Migration & Development (GFMD) and other UN agencies that further commodify migrant labor, especially agricultural work, and promote the exploitation of all migrant workers.
In addition, it is necessary to repeal all Free Trade Agreements and land and natural resource grabs by emerging capitalist market economies that impact our common goods, rural communities and indigenous people. Instead we promote Food Sovereignty, Agrarian Reform, and other policies that address the need to migrate from the countryside into the city and to other countries. In addition, we support the full protection of the human rights of all migrants in transit and in their destinations and call on states to respect and work to implement these.
Stop and revoke all forms of criminalization of immigrant communities!
Stop the war and occupations of people and their territories under any pretext!
End the violence and repression against migrants under the pretext of the war against terrorism!
Protection and guarantee of human rights for all migrants and refugees now!
No to temporary labor programs that divide workers!
Bring down all walls!