Continental Schools of Women: Strategy for Political Education and Feminist Struggle by La Via Campesina

Organized by La Via Campesina’s Women’s Articulation, the continental schools play the important role of developing a popular peasant feminism that can face the dilemmas of the territories: “I think that there are interesting things coming out for the women. It is being related to some of the struggles we are facing as the women peasants of La Via Campesina, because within our region, we realized that women still cannot access land, and we all know that the major food producers are women,” Susan says, adding that, “this space is empowering women to understand their rights, to understand their struggles, and also to see how the system has been structured in terms of exploiting women.”
Excerpts of this article are featured on the radio show Fúria Feminista, produced by Real World Radio, Capire, and the World March of Women Brazil, available in Spanish. Titled “Juntas” (“Together”), the episode discussed powerful meetings and activities for feminist education held in 2024.
Read the full article on Capire’s website.