Neither Women nor Land are Territories to Conquer! – Joint Declaration of the Women’s Articulations of ARNA and ECVC

We, the women of the Arab and North Africa region of LVC and the European Coordination Via Campesina came together in Galicia from 27 September to 1 October to discuss our conditions as women* peasant farmers* in our different contexts, to learn from each other and identify common struggles.
Forcefully, we stand together against the neo-liberal and patriarchal system which is based on the exploitation of the work of women: Women carry out an important part of the agricultural work but often do not own the means of production and resources. They produce food intended for export which they cannot afford themselves.
Peasant and rural worker women play a major role in society which is not recognised. 70% of agricultural production is done by women, who also take care of 80% of the domestic work, bearing the burden of a triple workload.
We are fundamental to achieving food sovereignty in our territories, we take care of our fields and our families, protecting the planet in our everyday work.
In times of war and crisis, we embrace the struggles of peasant women in our regions and we stand strongly for peace, condemning the increasing militarisation of the world. Together we want to express our solidarity with all women suffering from violence and war in the world, and we stay united with the Palestinian, Lebanese and Soudanese women who in times of war and occupation continue their struggle for self-determination and freedom. We condemn and denounce the continuous Israeli war in Gaza and the Israeli attacks on Lebanon. We call for an immediate ceasefire in the region and an end to the genocide which to date has killed tens of thousands of people.
We reaffirm the urgent need to respect the right to life, to a dignified life for all women in the world.
Together we want to confirm our commitment to work hand in hand towards food sovereignty, to end all kind of violence, sexual exploitation and discrimination at individual and institutional level against women and girls.
Within the existing system, peasant women are excluded in many ways from equal access to resources, to public and professional services, from equal participation in our local organizations and in public and decision-making spaces.
Today, we stand together and reaffirm our common struggle:
- For equal access to land, water and seeds and all other natural resources, guaranteeing women equal rights to land ownership and legal status as peasants
- Against all kinds of discrimination and violence that affect women (intersectionality, race, gender and sexual orientation)
- For full access to professional services and social security for peasant women and women rural workers
- For full access to information and trainings
- For peasant women to be able to fully participate within their organizations and in public policy and decision-making spaces
- To guarantee full socio-economic rights for migrant women workers in our regions
- To guarantee fair prices for the food peasants produce
- To guarantee an equal and co-responsible sharing of care based on, a public community model
- Safe and equal access to all public services including transport, as well a fair distribution of public subsidies
We commit to keep working to strengthen alliances within our own organisations and with social and feminist organisations.
Without feminism, there is no food sovereignty! Globalize the struggle, Globalize Hope!