Rethinking the regulation of agricultural markets in Europe | Call for Contributions

We are currently facing multiple uncertainties and risks related to food, public health, the geopolitical situation, the environment, climate, and energy sources. In Europe, farmers’ protests for decent prices, market regulation, and livelihoods have dominated the first half of 2024, raising a central question: What lessons can be learned from the successes and failures of past policies to regulate agricultural markets, in Europe and elsewhere in the world, in order to rebuild the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on the basis of food sovereignty and enable the agroecological transition?
To explore these questions, the European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC), Université Libre de Bruxelles, and the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam are organizing an International Conference of Researchers and Peasant-Farmers entitled “Rethinking the Regulation of Agricultural Markets for Agroecological Transition in Europe,” scheduled for 3-4 March 2025.
This conference aims to bring together academics, peasants, and small- and medium-sized farmers from several European countries to promote the co-construction of knowledge, integrating academic research with farmers’ experiences through innovative methods that facilitate equal exchange. The event will prioritize knowledge building and exchange between small-scale food producers and academics, with an equal representation of academic and farmer participants.
To participate in the conference, contributions are required. Farmers and academics are invited to submit proposals for academic and non-academic contributions by 1 September 2024. These contributions will focus on three main themes:
- Successes, failures and limits of market regulation policies in Europe
- Food sovereignty and market regulation in the world
- Agroecological transition and market regulation
For more information, download the call for contributions here.
Both the Journal Economie Rurale and Globalisations journal are proud partners of the conference: a special issue or special forum in the journals may be organized for selected papers from this conference, appropriate to the journals’ editorial lines. For more details about visit the ECVC website.