MAP Belgium’s Peasant Towns Charter: an example of using UNDROP at local level

The Mouvement Action Paysanne (MAP), a member of La Via Campesina, is a Belgian association of peasants and citizens who have set up an “ Independent Peasant School ” (ASBL EPI) to pass on peasant knowledge and know-how. MAP and EPI are committed to public recognition of the existence, content and specific nature of peasant agriculture and the peasant profession. On a day-to-day basis, it defends the rights of peasants and the principles of Food Sovereignty of peoples through the practical application of the principles of agroecology, and works to unite peasants, rural and agricultural producers, and artisans in a common action for solidarity-based development.
For the 2024 communal elections, the MAP has written a Peasant Towns Charter based on UNDROP. With this charter, the MAP aims to inspire local residents and future elected representatives to take UNDROP as a basis for developing public policies that implement peasants’ rights.
The charter takes up the rights contained in the Declaration and sets out how each can be transposed to the local level. For example, with regard to article 15 on the right to food and food sovereignty, the charter proposes to develop communal institutional catering supplied by local and peasant agriculture, and to promote the installation of peasant farms. The charter is therefore a collection of concrete examples, the implementation of which falls within the remit of local authorities. It also aims to increase citizen participation and collective management of the commons.
This charter is also a means of publicizing UNDROP and the rights of peasants and workers, so that everyone can embrace them at every level. The work carried out by the MAP can be reproduced at all levels of elected office and in all countries.
This article was originally published on the website of Defending Peasants’ Rights.