CLOC-Via Campesina on Bolivia: “No more Coups d’État in Latin America”

Here is a short statement issued by the Latin American peasant and indigenous peoples’ movements, organised under CLOC-Via Campesina, following the news of the coup d’état on 26 June.
26/06/2024: The Armed Forces of Bolivia, following the manual of the School of the Americas (now known as The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation), once again attempted a failed coup d’état against the legally constituted government of economist Luis Arce.
From the Latin American Coordination of Field Organizations (CLOC), we call for solidarity with thousands of peasant and indigenous families, and the general population that does not want military forces governing Bolivia as in the past.
We join the resistance of the Bolivian people, sharing their struggle to maintain a government of peace and stability.
President Luis Arce shows great firmness and democratic authority. The peasant organizations of Latin America offer our militant internationalism to you and your people who today demand a return to constitutional order with punishment for the coup-mongering military.
CLOC -Via Campesina