La Via Campesina Brazil calls for international solidarity as flood devastates Rio Grande do Sul

More than 1.4 million people affected by the floods; 327,000 people have been left homeless in the south of the country
The State of Rio Grande do Sul is facing one of the most severe extreme weather events in the history of the southern region of Brazil. Floods in the regions of Vale do Rio Pardo, Vale do Taquari and the metropolitan region of the State have already caused 107 deaths and more than 1.4 million people affected by the storms. According to the Civil Defense, the controlling agency in cases such as this one, 327 thousand people had to leave their homes.
Among those affected are also peasants organized in the movements that make up La Via Campesina Brazil.
Since the beginning, several LVC movements have mobilized to help peasant families and extend solidarity to affected families in urban regions. Initially they have installed Emergency Solidarity Kitchens.
There are also campaigns aimed at helping cooperatives and peasant production units, such as the Emergency Solidarity Seeds campaign, which has mobilized resources to ensure the reconstruction of healthy food production.
The campaigns are an initiative of the movements. We have organized a list of how to donate to movements present in the Brazilian territories. [Note: Only some of these accounts can accept funds from outside the country.]
Movimiento de Pescadores Artesanales (MPP): Contribute to the struggle of fishing communities in the reconstruction of their territories.
- Code: (53) 984860681
- Name: Fishermen’s Colony Z3 – Pelotas/RS – Banco Sicredi
Small Farmers Movement (MPA): In addition to participating in the demands of those affected in the countryside, the MPA is organizing food production in territories that were not affected in order to supply healthy food to solidarity kitchens.
We also participate in the activities of the Seeds of Solidarity Mission, which is back in action to ensure support for the reconstruction and productive restructuring of the peasants who lost everything. To support these and other MPA initiatives in the climate crisis in RS, make your donation through the Father Josimo Cultural Institute.
- Code: 06.942.198/0001-09
- Bank Deposit: Banco do Brasil: 001 Account: 10214-8 Branch: 4715-5
- Name: Instituto Cultural Padre Josimo
- Iban: BR6600000000047150000102148C1
National Coordination of Articulation of Black Quilombola Rural Communities (CONAQ): Contribute to the struggle of quilombola communities in the reconstruction of their territories.
- Code: 468292580001-04
- Name: Federation of Associations of Associations of Quilombo Communities of Rio Grande do Sul – FACRQ/RS
Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB): In addition to working in the Solidarity Kitchen in the neighborhood of Azenha, in Porto Alegre (RS), and in the municipality of Arroio do Meio (RS), in Vale do Taquari, the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) is planning to set up around 10 solidarity kitchens in the interior of the state, to assist those affected by one of the worst climatic tragedies ever experienced in the southern region. The biggest challenge is to travel to the territories most affected by the heavy rains. MAB is also working on the Solidarity Seeds Campaign.
- Code: 733164570001-83
- Name: Asociación Nacional de Afectados por Represas (ANAB) (National Association of Dam Affected People)
- Bank deposit: Banco do Brasil: 001 Branch: 1230-0 Checking Account: 118.806-2
- IBAN: BR7800000000012300001188062C1
Pastoral Land Commission (CPT): Through its agents, it is committed to saving lives and, together with other organizations, social movements and social pastorals, invites people who wish to make donations to contribute any amount, to be destined to the Cáritas Brasileira account.
- Code: 336544190010-07
- Name: Cáritas Brasileira
- Bank deposit: Banco do Brasil: 001 Current Account: 55.450-2 Branch 1248-3
Consejo Indígena Misionero y Articulación de Pueblos Indígenas (CIMI): In this complex and vulnerable moment, we ask for donations for the indigenous organizations responsible for the affected families in the South, Arpinsul and the Guaraní Yvirupa Commission, all help is welcome.
- Code: 004791050005-07
- CGY: 21.860.239/0001-01
Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST): With the aim of initiating a broad solidarity campaign with the affected families, the MST is carrying out a fundraising campaign to contribute to actions in the municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul. The MST settlements were also affected, some 300 families of the IRGA Settlement, headquarters of the Cooperative of Settled Workers of the Porto Alegre Region (Cootap), in Eldorado do Sul, are being rescued.
- Code: 093521410001-48
- Name: Brazilian Institute of Solidarity
Photos by: Camila Domingues / Palácio Piratini
Information provided by: La Via Campesina Brazil
Note: We are in the process of obtaining information to facilitate financial support from abroad for all the organizations listed above.