As Conference on Biodiversity (COP16) draws near, CLOC to attend ‘Ecoovida 2024’ in Colombia

The next United Nations Conference on Biodiversity, COP16, will take place from October 21 to November 1, 2024, in Cali, Colombia. Within the framework of this international event, the CLOC-Via Campesina will participate in an alternate space with social movements called the International Meeting Economies for Life (Ecoovida) 2024, organized by the Government of Colombia in Cali from October 22 to 26, 2024.
The events aims to building an international agenda for the promotion of ‘Economies for Life’ hand in hand with popular and solidarity social platforms and movements. It intends to build an international proposal to establish permanent consultation mechanisms of the United Nations for the implementation of Resolution 77/281 – Promoting the social and solidarity economy for Sustainable development.
Ecoovida 2024 seeks to listen to and articulate the voices of thousands of people, organizations, movements, and platforms that, from different processes, promote economies for life. Its development will allow regional and international dialogue through 10 thematic forums:
- International instruments for the promotion of economies for life.
- Solidarity, popular, and community education.
- Agrarian Reform, Reindustrialization, and productive reconversion.
- Bioeconomy, circular economy, and sustainable economy.
- Economies of care.
- Women and economies for life.
- Youth and economies for life.
- Microfinance, financial inclusion, and community credit processes.
- Decent work and social security.
- Solidarity communication and the right to information.
As part of the event, the participating delegations will visit the Solidarity Associative Circuits of Cali, Buenaventura, Obando, Dovio, and La Unión in Valle del Cauca; Suárez and Silvia, Guapi, and Popayán (Cauca); Tumaco (Nariño), Pereira (Risaralda), and the National Park of Las Hermosas in Tolima.
Ecoovida 2024 will count with the presence of guests from the national Government, the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies (FSMET), the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy (RIPESS), the Latin American Confederation of Workers’ Cooperatives and Mutuals (Colacot), the Latin American Agroecological Movement (Maela), the Campaign for a Global Curriculum of Social and Solidarity Economy, the Colombia Impulse Committee, and the Ibero-American Network for the Promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy.