La Via Campesina calls for an end to the blockade of Cuba

“We cannot play with the hunger of the people”.
(Bagnolet, March 26, 2014) La Via Campesina, a global movement representing over 200 million peasants, indigenous people, women, youth, men, diversities, fisherfolk, migrant and rural workers and nomadic pastoralists from 182 organizations in 81 countries, we demand an immediate end to the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed unilaterally by the United States on Cuba for more than 60 years.
This unjust, illegal and exclusionary policy directly and daily affects the life, development and well-being of the Cuban population, including thousands of peasant families and rural workers. This crime against the Cuban people becomes even more atrocious in a context of post pandemic and multiple global crises.
That is why we strongly denounce the United States and its interventionist international policy responsible for the acute economic situation faced by the Cuban people. The tightening of the blockade has caused a deficit in the capacity of electricity generation, affected the transportation and distribution of food, among many other damages. The situation is serious and we cannot continue playing with the hunger of the people. Food and Food Sovereignty are an inalienable human right.
Likewise, we call on dignified and sovereign states to demand the exclusion of Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, whose sole purpose has been to destabilize and overthrow the Revolution. At the same time, we denounce the ferocious media campaign and the application of instruments of unconventional warfare against Cuba, placing on the agenda a narrative of hatred, division and hopelessness.
We affirm that the Cuban peasantry has been taking firm steps towards the transformation of its agrifood systems and the dignity of rural peoples, even in a post-pandemic scenario of climate crisis and a high tide of geopolitical tensions. The approval of the Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutritional Security Law (SSAN) in July 2022 represents a significant step forward for land management, sustainable development and improvement of the living conditions of the peasantry in rural areas of the island.
Thus, as La Via Campesina we join the international community that demands an end to the immoral blockade of Cuba, and we call on our member organizations, friends and allies to mobilize solidarity and to be alert against any kind of interference and attack against Cuba’s sovereignty.
Cuba, Yes! Blockade No!
Globalize the struggle! Globalize hope!