Chile: ANAMURI to hold #8M24 event with indigenous and peasant women who are rebuilding since the deadly fires

ANAMURI, together with Lof Relmu Rayen Chod Lafken Indigenous Community and Entre Cerros Environmentalist Group, will host a solidarity event on March 9th at Cerro Achupallas, Viña del Mar, honoring the courage of women affected by tragic fires, paying homage to victims, and supporting affected families. Here is the call issued by ANAMURI in this regard;
From ANAMURI, we reaffirm La Vía Campesina’s call on this March 8th. “We will continue strengthening the fight for equality, peace, and countryside-city alliances, which not only challenges us to build new gender relations among human beings, but also to care for Mother Earth, to remain organized, united in facing and resisting extractivism, capitalism, and patriarchy in our territories, to defend and preserve biodiversity, seeds, our commons, and ancestral knowledge. We continue to build a movement, revolutionizing hearts, minds, and at the same time fighting for popular sovereignty, food sovereignty, for the sovereignty of our peoples and communities, and for the sovereignty of us women.”

ANAMURI, together with the Indigenous Community of Lof Relmu Rayen Chod Lafken, and the young people of the Environmentalist Group Entre Cerros, invite you to a public event on Saturday, March 9th at Cerro Achupallas in Viña del Mar. We invite you to share a solidarity encounter, cultural, of resistance, in homage to the courage of women who, with strength and courage, have faced this tragic and difficult situation. It will be an act of affection and respect for the 134 people who lost their lives, alongside the thousands of families who lost their homes in the horror of the flames. The scorched lands, forests, the loss of crops, animals, birds, and pets, are consequences of the evils caused by this capitalist and patriarchal system that violates, oppresses, and exploits women and Mother Nature.
Today our strength and voices join feminist, social, and popular organizations in our country to bring to trial those responsible for so many disasters, while also asking: How long will we suffer this infernal capitalist, patriarchal, and inhumane system, responsible for so many tragedies in our villages to maintain the big business of corporate capital?
This March 9th, by the fire, with songs and sopaipillas, we will turn pain and anger into strength and commitment to continue reinforcing solidarity; the road will be long, it requires all wills and unity in this common project of reconstruction, of restoration of life and stricken nature, to return to Mother Earth her infinite capacity to make seeds sprout, trees that give us shade and shelter, to continue the battle for life, ensuring food from community kitchens, giving strength and fortitude to all women. We also call on our seeds, native trees, and your solidarity to this event.
We await you this Saturday, March 9th from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m., at Plaza Las Amapolas, located at stop 3 ½ of Cerro La Achupallas in Viña del Mar.
Women are reborn from Mother Earth, with conviction, strength, and hope!
#8M2024 #ValparaísoRises