La Via Campesina reaffirms its commitment to fight against patriarchy

(Bogota, December 2, 2023) Within the framework of the 8th conference of La Via Campesina, the international peasant movement discussed how to fight against patriarchy to change the relations of inequality in the countryside that exist between men, women and diversities, as a form of struggle against capitalism that promotes these injustices.
Within the framework of La Via Campesina’s 8th International Conference, the movement organised a “Men against Patriarchy” meeting to discuss the importance of analyzing inequitable gender relations as an important challenge to be addressed as part of the construction of Food Sovereignty. The “Men against Patriarchy” meeting is a space for reflection and change during the Conference which hops to support this historic process within the movement.
Ever since La Via Campesina began the discussion on patriarchy, it has become clear that men need to talk about how their behaviors affect women and diversities, as well as what they can do to end the inequities suffered by women in the countryside.
The members of La Via Campesina recognize that mechanisms must be established to fight patriarchy, promote gender equality, support victims and promote the participation of women and diversities in politics and decision-making spaces as a way to stop and dismantle patriarchy.
In the past, La Via Campesina has resolved that men and women will share responsibilities in the countryside and in the organization: “La Via Campesina is a movement that recognizes the complete equality and value of both men and women”; this recognition has been reaffirmed by the participants in the “Men against patriarchy” space. They reaffirmed: “It is necessary to see women as our equals, prioritizing that we must all support local work, so that very soon men and women will be able to walk hand in hand in the same conditions.”
It continues to be necessary to struggle against cultural and legal obstacles in many countries, in which the struggle of the members of La Via Campesina must be strengthened, to end inequality that affects women and diversities.
The “Men against Patriarchy” space recognized that feminism has valuable contributions and that it is important to highlight the history and struggles of rural women for the construction of Food Sovereignty.
“The men of La Via Campesina are committed to the fight against patriarchy”
“We generate change from inside”
“Food Sovereignty with Gender Justice”