La Via Campesina inaugurates its 8th International Conference in Bogota, Colombia

The 8th International Conference of La Via Campesina was officially inaugurated in Bogota with the slogan “Faced with global crises, we build food sovereignty to ensure a future for humanity”. The Conference is the first to be held by the movement after the pandemic, to discuss issues that affect peasants around the world.
(Bogota, December 3, 2023) – With more than 500 delegates from 81 countries and 182 peasant organizations, La Via Campesina opened its 8th International Conference in Bogota, Colombia.
The conference is the first to be held after the COVID 19 pandemic, with massive attendance of delegates and many great expectations.
In the days leading up to the opening of the conference, the 5th Youth Assembly, the 6th Women’s Assembly and the space “Men Against Patriarchy” were also held.
The inauguration began with the opening mistica, which is always a long-awaited moment due to the emotion and energy it brings to the spaces. During the mistica, the different flags of the attending organizations and countries were carried around the room while singing the official song of the 8th International Conference, “Back to the countryside”.

The inauguration was also attended by Jhenifer Mojica, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia, who welcomed the attendees, mentioning that she is an admirer and follower of the principles of La Via Campesina, something they are trying to apply in the Agrarian Reform process that has been implemented in Colombia in the past few months.
The opening of the conference closed with delegates and attendees shouting loudly:
Globalize struggle, Globalize hope!

Listen here the opening ceremony of the 8th International Conference of La Via Campesina
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