8th International Conference: Official Song is out! “Back to the Countryside”

The global peasant movement La Vía Campesina is convening its 8th International Conference in Bogotá, Colombia, from 1 to 8 December 2023, under the slogan “Faced with global crises, we build food sovereignty to ensure a future for humanity”.
During these international conferences, attended by almost 500 delegates from 10 different regions, different issues affecting the diversity of rural areas are discussed and analysed as a whole. It is here that La Via Campesina defines, updates and refines its strategic lines of action, as well as examining and ratifying new member organisations, discussing internal functioning and launching new campaigns.
🌟 The countdown begins! 🌟
Join us in the heart of Colombia from Dec 1-8 for our 8th International Conference. 🎶 We’re thrilled to unveil our official song, igniting passion and unity in our incredible peasant movement. #8ConfLVC
Lyrics of the song:
Vamos pueblo a volver al campo Aquí estamos los pueblos soberanos, Vamos pueblo a volver al campo Aquí estamos los pueblos solidarios Y las mujeres del campo Cultivando un milenio de justicia e igualdad En tres décadas de lucha Unidos contra el saqueo imperialista Rendirnos jamás Somos La Vía Campesina anticapitalista La Vía Campesina antiimperialista Somos La Vía Campesina anti patriarcal Largo caminar en amor, paz y solidaridad Por la vida, la tierra y el territorio ¡Soberanía Alimentaria ya! con los IALAs enfriamos el planeta con agroecología al campo regresar y así de esta manera nuestro pueblo alimentar Con los emigrantes y asalariados reforma agraria integral y popular Ahora si, ya se nos llegó la hora de cambiar el mundo unipolar y construir una nueva sociedad Porque si nos movemos los de abajo el capitalismo se va al carajo | Let’s go, people, let’s return to the countryside Here, we are the sovereign people, Let’s go, people, let’s go back to the countryside Here we are, the people in solidarity And the women of the countryside Cultivating a millennium of justice and equality In three decades of struggle United against imperialist plunder Never surrender We are La Via Campesina, anticapitalist We are La Via Campesina, anti-imperialist We are La Via Campesina, antipatriarchal Long walk in love, peace, and solidarity For life, the land, and territory Food sovereignty now! With the IALAs, we cool the planet with agroecology we return to the countryside And this way, feed our people With migrants and wage earners Integral and popular agrarian reform Now, yes, the time has come To change the unipolar world And to build a new society Because if we move from the bottom, Capitalism will be crushed. |