EU migration policy causes deaths instead of saving lives ” La Via Campesina in Nador, Morocco

La Via Campesina has launched a powerful message of denunciation of the murder of thousands of people in the Mediterranean.
During the V Maghreb Social Forum on Migration (Nador, June 20-23), it warned of the serious violation of human rights promoted by the European Union through its migration policy, which follows the guidelines of the Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration, signed by several states five years ago in Marrakech.
At a time when the Spanish government is taking over the presidency of the European Union, La Via Campesina, together with allied social movements, denounced the impunity of the Melilla massacre, in which dozens of migrants were killed while trying to cross the border fence from Morocco to Spain.
During the forum, the Moroccan Association for Human Rights presented a full report on the Melilla massacre, calling for the identification of the murdered and disappeared and concluding that this was a premeditated act for which the Spanish and Moroccan governments are responsible.
The recent tragedy on the Greek coast, with dozens of reported drownings and hundreds of missing people, also represents this great global alarm that organisations and social movements are denouncing. All this was discussed and analysed by the participating delegations. On behalf of La Via Campesina, delegates from the European Coordination Via Campesina ( ECVC ) and the North African Arab Region ( ARNA ) took part.

La Via Campesina, together with the allied social movements, reaffirmed their commitment to continue building the Global Pact of Solidarity for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees. They also participated in the mobilisations of the Caravan Opening Borders and visited the camp of the victims of Melilla.