Training module N°5 on “The collective rights of peasants in global seed governance” now available

The 5th Training Module on “The collective rights of peasants in the global governance of seeds” is now available! This module is a pedagogical tool that aims to contribute to the understanding of the global struggle for peasant seeds. it is dedicated to the study of the main spaces of governance and international legal tools related to the right to seeds.
For La Via Campesina it is important to study in depth these aspects that determine the use and management of seeds in the world, especially the impact they have on peasant seeds and the right of peoples to care for and protect them, and because they are the basis of Food Sovereignty.
Our movement has produced this document as a result of an internal process of discussion and action that we, as peasants, have been carrying out within the framework of our Global Campaign for Peasant Seeds, the heritage of the peoples at the service of humanity, which this year celebrates its 20th anniversary. This 5th publication is the last in a series of modules that we launched at the end of 2021, called La Via Campesina: Building Common Content on Peasant Seeds.
We invite you to use this and the previous modules as part of your collective and individual training processes. We hope it will be very useful and strengthening for our movement, in the interest of caring for seeds and life in all its expressions.