ECVC : Solidarity with the people of Turkey and Syria

Statement of solidarity of the European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) with the peasant farmers and all people in Turkey and Syria after the devastating earthquakes.
7 February 2023
We are deeply saddened by the loss of life and devastation caused by the earthquake in the region. Our hearts and thoughts are with all those affected in these difficult times. Our deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones, and our thoughts are with those who are injured, have lost their homes or are now working in difficult conditions to deal with the fallout.
We are especially aware that suffering is made worse in remote rural villages where the situation is critical. Earthquakes are a natural phenomenon, but what transforms a natural phenomenon into a disaster is inappropriate political decisions. We are calling on the government to give special attention to the rural areas and people who work and live in the rural areas. These are the areas that search and rescue teams reach last and the places where there is less or no post-disaster infrastructure. Rural areas and people living in rural areas should not be left alone.
We would like to express our willingness and desire to provide support in any way possible to help Çiftçi-SEN (Çiftçiler Sendikası), our member organisation in Turkey and people in Turkey.
We will be in close contact over the coming days and try our best to respond to the need for support that Çiftçi-Sen communicated to us.
If you or your organisation wish to support or express solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Turkey, you can write to Çiftçi-Sen at with in CC.
Cover Image: Associated Press