Europe: Peasants and civil society launch a manifesto of ‘real agriculture and climate solutions’

In the wake of disappointing outcomes from COP27 and as the European Commission prepares to release its likely insufficient Carbon Removal Certification (CRC) Framework communication, peasant and small-scale food producers’ organisations and civil society have launched a manifesto for agricultural transition to address systemic climate crises.
This manifesto calls on the EU to immediately implement 13 concrete and interdependent action points in order to move towards climate and food justice.
“After a summer of drought and dangerously high temperatures, with every day the EU fails to take real action, the climate crisis becomes more urgent and we move further in the wrong direction.”
– a press release from the European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) noted.
It lays out a path towards food sovereignty, global solidarity and guaranteeing the rights of peasants, small-scale farmers and citizens are respected. It explains how and why the European Union must begin an inevitable agricultural transition, which must be fair and robust, work with nature and support life-enriching systems.
Read the rationale for its contents here.
For more information on this manifesto, write to