CLOC Statement | Agrarian Reform in Colombia

“I am still behind my people. We have resolved to stop running away and decided to resist.
Exiled. Alfredo Molano
Without weapons, without thirst for revenge, but without losing what unites us all, which is this land that we all worked for we all worked and made together”.
From the Latin American Coordination of Rural Organizations CLOC-LVC South America we celebrate one of the first steps of the Agrarian Reform in Colombia with the delivery by the National Government headed by Gustavo Petro, of the Támesis farm in Montería to more than 50 peasant families through FENSUAGRO member of the CLOC and La Via Campesina.
More than 590 hectares are now property of peasant communities, formerly owned by the paramilitary Carlos Castaño, responsible for thousands of crimes and massacres, including dispossession, displacement and assassination, especially targeting peasant families, social organizations, as well as political leaders and leaders for peace in Colombia.
Since 1976, FENSUAGRO has been leading processes linked to food sovereignty, such as the cultivation and conservation of local seeds, varied agricultural production as opposed to monocultures, promotion of local food consumption, opening of peasant markets and dissemination of agricultural and farming practices that are friendly to nature.
Agroecology is a way to build a dignified life in the territories and this is an important step on that path. It is necessary to continue building a public policy that recognizes peasants as subjects of rights and their main role in guaranteeing the human right to food and food sovereignty in the country, where it is urgent to continue recognizing the right to land and territory of thousands of communities that continue to work in resistance.
Globalize the Struggle, Globalize Hope!
Peasant Rights, NOW!