The Israeli occupation attacks the headquarters of UAWC and six other organizations: Steals and destroys their contents

UAWC press release: August 18, 2022
The storming and vandalization of the offices of seven Palestinian NGOs, including the headquarters of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), and the theft of our materials and office equipment, constitute blatant acts of Israeli aggression and of a dangerous escalation, targeting Palestinian human rights organizations in an attempt to forcefully silence us and prevent us from working.
We call on the international community to stand up to its responsibility and to protect the seven targeted organizations by forcing the Israeli government to stop its aggression and reverse its illegitimate criminalization of these organizations, including UAWC.
Today’s attack on our offices confirms that the Union’s support to vulnerable farming communities in Area C hinders the Israeli government in entrenching its illegal occupation and annexation of the West Bank. We urge our friends and partners around the world to loudly condemn this aggression and raise their voices in solidarity with UAWC and Palestinian civil society at large.
In particular, we call on the European Union and its member states to take immediate action in order to protect Palestinian human rights organizations and their board and staff members in an effective and decisive manner. Beyond our organizations, this is a defining moment for the international community to protect the fundamental right of the Palestinians to live in peace, freedom and dignity on their land.