#17April2022 – Video Highlights of Global Peasant Actions

(Bagnolet – April 29, 2022) 30 years of collective struggles, hope and solidarity! There is no end to the actions of rememberance for #April172022 – International Day of Peasant Struggles and the 30 Anniversary of La Via Campesina.
Active in more than 24 countries from 10 regions worldwide, it is evident peasants, native peoples, migrants, land workers, small-scale food producers, LGBT+ members of rural communities and allies for Food Sovereignty need to keep denouncing their persecution, the criminalization of their struggles and, at the same time, keep feeding the world and taking care of life.
In this graphic report you can see the actions organized by peasants in different countries to commemorate this date of global mobilization.
Explore the map of local actions that have been taking place in different areas of the world.
Get to know, share and approach the local organizations that give life to our movement. Follow us in social media through these hashtags: #LVC30Years, #17April2022, #NoFutureWithoutFoodSovereignty #FoodSovereigntyNOW.
For press contacts, get in touch with us through: press@viacampesina.org