Training module N°2 “Global Campaign for Peasant Seeds, a Heritage of Peoples in the Service of Humanity”

2022 marks 19th anniversary of the Global Campaign for Peasant Seeds, a Heritage of Peoples in the Service of Humanity, a campaign born within the peasant movement. This Campaign condenses the historical struggle that diverse peasant communities and indigenous peoples around the world have been developing to defend the Peasant Seeds that care for and feed humanity in a cyclical, harmonious way. The campaign is a peoples’ response to the permanent attempts of corporate power to monopolize and privatize them.
For La Via Campesina it is a central task to continue promoting this global campaign, which is why we dedicate this 2nd Training Module of the series; La Via Campesina: Building Shared Knowledge on Peasant Seeds. With this, we want to deepen the history, principles and lines of action of the campaign for all those people, collectives and organizations committed to the struggle in defense of Peasant Seeds and Food Sovereignty.