Nyeleni : Introducing the message of pastoralist communities, a voice from the land

The new edition of the Nyéléni newsletter is online!
The latest edition throws light on the lives and lived realities of Pastoralist communities around the world.
More than half of the Earth’s surface is made up of grasslands and rangelands. For thousands of years pastoralist communities have domesticated animals and managed ecosystems in a sustainable way, producing a diversity of cultures and food systems that are adapted and resilient. Associated biodiversity has always co-existed with pastoralism.
Pastoralism is based on the extensive use of territory, sometimes grasslands but also forests or cropland after harvests, marginal lands and other spaces that very often are not suitable for agriculture. Pastoralism is practised by between 200 and 500 million people worldwide in highly variable environments in nearly every country of the world from the drylands of sub-Saharan Africa to the Arctic Circle. But today pastoralism is threatened as never before by the forced industrialization of livestock farming.
Illustration by Fernando Garcia Dory/European Shepard Network / WAMIP