Migrant Rights Are Human Rights | Forum | 18 December 2021

Many of our organizations and movements have collaborated and participated in actions and mobilizations over the past year, and in several joint activities over many years in the struggle for the rights of migrant and refugee peoples. We have mobilized against the continuing genocide at the borders, but also against the massive, forced displacement of peoples and the systemic violations of their human rights in all global regions and borders.
With the closure of rights-based pathways, that has led to the proliferation of camps, detention, the building of Walls, and intensifying militarization of borders globally, our organizations have protested at the borders; sustained sea-rescues; launched strikes for our labour rights and against slavery and exploitative working conditions in countries where we live and work in ‘sites without rights”.
We have linked up our struggles – against inequality, impoverishment and war arising from the extractivist corporate led development policies that destroy livelihoods and the environment. We have recognized that the struggle of migrant and refugees against impunity as an integral part of the struggle against all forms of racism and islamophobia and against the criminalization of solidarity.
In this context we have developed the Global Pact of Solidarity to strengthen our commitment to converge our efforts and build the movement with migrant and refugee people as part of the movement of movements fighting for another world and a just transition.
We propose to hold an online Forum on the 18th of December 2021 (International Day of Migrants’ Rights) with two main objectives:
- to share the important strategies, we have experienced in key moments of struggle and mobilization from the spaces – national, regional – where we are engaged.
- to contribute proposals towards shaping an Action Plan – facing the challenges ahead in 2022 and to concretize the realization of the Global Solidarity Pact.


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