More than 280 organizations call upon Public Development Banks to stop funding Agribusiness.

A global summit of public development banks meets tomorrow to discuss agriculture and agribusiness and “the transformation of food systems”. It comes hot on the heels of the UN Food Systems Summit, originally billed as a forum for addressing world hunger but hijacked by corporate interests to showcase fake corporate solutions driven solely by profit.
There is little to suggest that the Finance in Common summit with over 450 PDBs will be any different, not least because of the failure of last year’s summit to embrace a human rights or community-led approach, but also because of longstanding human rights issues with these publically owned banks.
On the eve of the summit which will take place in Rome, over 280 civil-society organizations and social movements, calls on governments to put an end to state-backed financial support to agribusiness companies and projects that take land, natural resources and livelihoods from local communities.
Read the full statement below.