International Virtual Forum | Agroecology and Youth in La Via Campesina: 25 Years Sowing Food Sovereignty

Training, as a permanent process within La Via Campesina, has been one of the most important fruits the movement has harvested along the years, mainly by our youths.
In October, La Via Campesina, together with all those who fight to change the world, commemorates 25 years of building Food Sovereignty. In a world and a moment in time full of so many challenges, we will take the time to acknowledge the visions we have realized. Among them are the countless lands, water and territories that have been liberated from capital, millions of human beings uplifted by the struggle, thousands of native seeds rescued and hundreds of schools and training processes carried out by our member organizations.
In the face of the multiple crisis humanity is facing, the youth of La Via Campesina has been active in different fronts of the struggle against transnational agribusiness and all it stands for. Young members of LVC have taken on huge responsibilities in the building of that new world we aspire to. In the spaces organized by peasant youth, Food Sovereignty is, among many other things, to fight for the generational renewal, to deeply love our diversity and to feed our peoples with joy and agroecology.
The International Youth Articulation and the International Collective on Agroecology, Seeds and Biodiversity of La Via Campesina will be sharing their experiences on local agroecology training from a variety of territories from Africa, America, Asia and Europe in a virtual forum full of a strong spirit of building alternatives and continuing on the struggle.
Day: October 7, 2021
Time: 8 – 11 h (Havana) / 14 – 17 h (CEST)
Broadcast via Zoom platform.
Sing up here:
*Activity organized as part of the global Month of Action for Food Sovereignty for the people against transnational corporations – in the context of October 16, 2021. Call to action: #NoFutureWithoutFoodSovereigtny It’s time to transform! Learn more:
Food Sovereignty is water, seeds, bread and solidarity!