MST denounces Israeli Persecution against Palestinian Organizations and stands in Solidarity with UAWC

On a new wave of persecution against Palestinian organizations and activists, on July 7th the Israeli Army invaded the National Office of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) and arbitrarily sealed the office for a 6 months period.
A member of La Via Campesina International, and one of the leading organizers of La Via Campesina in the Arab communities, UAWC has done an amazing job in organizing Palestinian peasants to fight for their right to land and against the brutal Israeli occupation.
The Landless Workers Movement – MST stands and will always stand alongside those who struggle for justice and dignity. Therefore we stand with the Palestinian people and their legitimate organizations, which demonstrate through their resistance against the oppressor, the path that will result in the freedom of the people and the land.
UAWC is an example of resistance for all of us in the struggle to build a better world; where land is for those who live and work on it; where natural resources are patrimony of humankind; where the territories are returned back to the hands of its rightful inhabitants; where there is healthy food for all people; and, where there are neither exploiters nor exploited
The sealing of UAWC’s National Office in Ramallah will not stop UAWC’s work with the Palestinian peasants!
MST stands together with the Palestinian people for a FREE PALESTINE and to END THE ISRAELI OCCUPATION!
MST International Relations Collective, Sao Paulo, 8th of July 2021